Cabinet 10 July 2023
Published on 28 July 2023Planning policy dominated the agenda of the latest Cabinet meeting at Epping Forest District Council on 10 July. (more…)
Youth Council celebrates 15-year anniversary
Published on 28 July 2023Run by young people for young people, Epping Forest Youth Council (EFYC) celebrated their 15-year anniversary with a celebration at the civic offices in Epping. (more…)
Overview and Scrutiny 18 July
Published on 27 July 2023Members of the new Overview and Scrutiny committee met for the first time this municipal year on Tuesday 18 July. (more…)
Epping Forest leisure centres lower their carbon footprint
Published on 26 July 2023Energy saving improvements have already dramatically reduced gas usage at the centres. (more…)
EV charging points installed in Debden
Published on 24 July 20232 rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging points are now live at the Burton Road car park in Debden. (more…)
Summer memory train
Published on 21 July 2023Over 80 passengers enjoyed their journey aboard the summer memory train. (more…)
Fire safety for e-bikes and e-scooters
Published on 20 July 2023Essex County Fire and Rescue Service offers safety advice for e-bike and e-scooter owners. (more…)
Council sets course for new waste and recycling service
Published on 12 July 2023A better way of running local domestic refuse and recycling collections should lead to an improved service for residents. (more…)
Keeping kids safe online
Published on 10 July 2023Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) has launched their online safety campaign highlighting the importance of talking about safe internet use with children. (more…)
Crucial crew live
Published on 3 July 2023Nearly 200 year 6 pupils participated in this year’s crucial crew live. (more…)