If you are working age you may not be able to claim Housing Benefit. Instead you will have to make a claim for Universal Credit if you need help to pay your rent.
Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is a way of working out Housing Benefit for most private tenants, designed to be fair and simple for people on a low income.
You will not come under the rules for Local Housing Allowance if you are:
A tenant of a Housing Association
A tenant whose tenancy commenced before 15 January 1989
Someone who lives in a hostel
Someone who lives in a caravan, houseboat or mobile home
Someone whose claim has a substantial part of the rent go towards board and attendance
A tenant of supported housing provided by certain local authorities, social landlords, charities and voluntary organisations
How much LHA will I receive?
LHA rates are based on the number of bedrooms needed and the area in which a person lives. The following are expected to share a bedroom:
An adult couple
2 children under 16 of the same sex
2 children under 10 regardless of sex
People with a disability or medical condition will not be always be expected to share a room.
Broad Rental Market Areas
Each local authority is divided into Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMA) and LHA rates are set individually for each area.