Cabinet 18 September 2023
Councillors gave approval for consultation to start on the Latton Priory Design Code at the meeting of Epping Forest District Council’s Cabinet on Monday 18 September.
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Latton Priory
Latton Priory is one of three strategic housing sites situated in Epping Forest district as part of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town. The draft design code aims to encourage the development of high-quality places for people to live. The draft principles cover the design not only of new homes, but also the infrastructure and environment in which they are placed.
The production of the draft Latton Priory Design Code has been funded with central government support from the Department of Housing, Levelling Up and Communities. The consultation will reach out to residents and stakeholders across Epping Forest and Harlow. Feedback to fine tune the final design code will also inform future design codes across Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.
Consultation is due to start in October and will run for at least 6 weeks.
Financial Update
Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Economic Development, John Philip gave his regular update on the latest financial position and the development of next year’s Council budget.
Councillor Philip reiterated his message of tough financial circumstances affecting Epping Forest District Council and all other local authorities. Additional cost pressures have already created an overspend compared with expected spending in 2023/24.
The Council is now working to close the shortfall and achieve a balanced budget for 2024/25. Councillor Philip outlined the potential impact of further inflation, uncertainty over central government funding, and other sources of income in the budget setting process for 2024/25.
Epping Forest District Council has the lowest Council Tax charge of any district and borough council in Essex.
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