Cabinet meeting

Cabinet 2 September 2024

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Scrutiny role of councillors highlighted at the Cabinet.

The scrutiny role of councillors was highlighted in a series of reports to Cabinet at Epping Forest District Council on Monday 2 September.

Overview and Scrutiny chairman Councillor Roger Baldwin was first on the agenda when Cabinet members welcomed news of a forthcoming meeting with Transport for London. The importance of the scrutiny and review functions was further highlighted in a series of finance, planning and waste management reports.

Cabinet approved the latest updates to the corporate plan and associated key performance indicators.

The Broadway

The forthcoming Broadway refurbishment has been highlighted for special attention at the request of Overview and Scrutiny. Cabinet approved the award of the £4.8 million contract of works due to start later this year.

The benefits available, including economies of scale were highlighted in a series of shared services reports.

Shared services

Epping Forest District Council is working at the forefront of shared services to develop partnerships with Colchester City Council and Braintree District Council. The 3 are part of the wider group of North Essex Councils who are watching and learning from the pioneering partners.

Developing the shared services theme, portfolio holder Councillor Smruti Patel highlighted Epping Forest District Council’s digital customer partnership with Colchester, making better use of current technology and shared procurement of future websites to enhance residents’ online experience.

Community infrastructure levy (CIL)

Councillors supported recommendations by portfolio holder Councillor Ken Williamson to accept financial support through Essex County Council to explore the potential advantages of a community infrastructure levy known as a CIL, for the Epping Forest district.

CILs are levies placed on developers to help pay for new and enhanced infrastructure required to meet the growing demands of an expanding population. Unlike section 106 agreements often used to support local amenities associated with individual developments, a CIL would allow the council to pool money at a district-wide level for strategic infrastructure across the district.

A full consultation process with residents, developers and other stakeholders would be held, including an independent examination in public of the proposals, before a CIL could be adopted.

Terra Verde Services (TVS)

TVS, Terra Verde Services, is a brand-new local authority trading company (LATCo) set up and owned by Epping Forest District Council to take over domestic waste collection and recycling services from Biffa in November.

As part of the preparations, Cabinet reviewed and updated the council’s waste collection policies, including the current pilot scheme for blue-lidded bins to replace clear sacks for suitable areas. Feedback from residents in the pilot scheme have overwhelming responded positively to the trial Councillors recognise where storage space is an issue, not every household may find the replacement of sacks with another bin acceptable.

Cabinet also endorsed the new Essex County Council waste strategy for the disposal of refuse and recycling collected across the county.

Council budget challenges

Speaking in her new capacity as portfolio holder responsible for Finance, Councillor Holly Whitbread was pleased to report some good news. Underspends in various areas of the council are supporting this year’s budget.

Council Tax and business rate collection levels are good. There are still challenges to the council’s budgets including lower income than expected from planning application fees. Pay and display car park income remains lower than pre-COVID levels, reflecting an embedded change in workplace patterns of homeworking.

Medium-term financial planning remains a major challenge for all councils. Councillor Holly Whitbread reported on the financial planning framework – to kick-start the budget process for 2025 to 2026 and the next 5 years.

Emphasising the council remains financially strong compared to other councils, Councillor Whitbread also acknowledged significant challenges ahead. Cabinet will review areas to see where savings or economies can be achieved, continuing to consult closely with Overview and Scrutiny throughout.

Capital programme

The council’s capital programme continues to include new-build council housing and the ongoing development of the brand-new Epping Leisure Centre.

Epping Leisure Centre, the new TVS waste contract, shared services and the Broadway refurbishment project are aligned as the council’s most important projects, embedding a strategic approach to investment and service delivery within the corporate plan and budget process.

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