Cabinet meeting

Cabinet 28 May 2024

Community news, Housing, planning and environment news, News

New Members were welcomed to the cabinet at their first meeting of the municipal year on Tuesday 28 May.

Planning policy and masterplans

A recent review of the council’s development management function conducted by PAS (Planning Advisory Service, part of the Local Government Association) has proposed several improvements to the way in which the council makes planning decisions.

Members agreed to all the recommendations made by PAS including:

  • Streamlining the number of planning committees
  • Reviewing the scheme of delegation to ensure only items requiring scrutiny in public are considered by the committees
  • Preparing a new set of protocols for the new committee arrangements, including site visits, the role of planning officers and providing special training workshops for committee members
  • Performance reporting to be included in all planning committees

Cabinet also agreed to give authority to lead officers and the Portfolio Holder, to implement the required changes for improvement.

2 Masterplans discussed by the cabinet

Members approved a new 6-week consultation for the South Epping masterplan area (SEMPA) strategic masterplan framework and design code.

Public consultation is due to take place from June to July 2024.

Councillors agreed to adopt the East of Harlow masterplanning guidance supplementary planning document. East of Harlow is one of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town’s (HGGT) strategic sites. It sits across the Harlow and Epping Forest District Councils’ border. HGGT is a partnership to support the development of new homes, businesses, health, education, recreational facilities and transport links across East Herts, Harlow and Epping Forest.

Epping Library services

Councillors heard how Essex County Council (ECC) and Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) are exploring options to bring Epping Library services to the council offices in Epping.

The library services will be a welcome addition to the Epping Community Hub already located in the civic offices.

Other items

Members agreed to fund the building of a new combined control tower building and fire station at North Weald Airfield which will enable the safe continuation of aviation activities.

Councillors approved the purchasing of 28 homes, once completed, on the old Waltham Abbey Sport Centre site at Roundhills, Waltham Abbey. The development, currently owned by Qualis Group Ltd, will consist of 22x 2-bedroom houses and 6x 3-bedroom houses.

Members discussed the latest report from Qualis Group on their Year 4 performance. It was agreed that Members will continue to support and closely monitor the performance from Qualis to ensure any risks are limited and the company can carry on delivering their services.

The quarter 4 budget monitoring report for 2023 to 2024 was presented to cabinet, bringing positive news. Members acknowledged various financial challenges, faced by many councils across the UK, that will be taken into consideration.

However they noted that the council is in a more comfortable and secure position for the year ahead due to an underspend, land from the airfield being purchased by Google and a surplus of business rates.

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