Cabinet meeting

Cabinet 9 December

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Cabinet approves infrastructure funding statement on 9 December 2024.

Planning applications for larger developments are often linked to payments by the developer for associated infrastructure. Known as Section 106 agreements, developments cannot start until the money has been paid.

Members of Epping Forest District Council’s Cabinet welcomed Loughton Town Councillor and former District Councillor David Wixley back to the council chamber on 9 December to discuss one particular section 106 arrangement, before going on to approve the latest Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Roding Valley Recreation Ground

Loughton Town Council holds a 125 lease dating from 2006 for much of the Roding Valley Recreation Ground.

The area extending into the parish of Buckhurst Hill is open to the public. It has been allocated £318,000 Section 106 funds for enhancements. In response to Town Councillor Wixley’s request, Cabinet Portfolio Holder Ken Williamson was pleased to confirm that Loughton Town Council would be consulted fully alongside other stakeholders and local residents on the best use of the new funds for enhancements. A site visit will be arranged.

Councillor Stephen Murray also took the opportunity to welcome the Roding Valley Recreation Ground contribution outlined in the Statement. Councillor Williamson was happy to confirm that investment in the recreation ground would be for the benefit and free access of all local residents.

Overview and Scrutiny

In other Cabinet business, Councillor Roger Baldwin reported from Overview and Scrutiny that the council has still not received answers to a range of questions promised by TfL. He also encouraged all fellow councillors to attend the next Overview and Scrutiny meeting to discuss budget proposals for 2025 to 2026.

Waste depot hub

Cabinet also recommended a further capital payment of £1 million to Full Council to complete the construction of the permanent waste depot hub at North Weald Airfield.

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