Community news
Holocaust Memorial Day 27 January
Published on 26 January 2024Rabbi Yossi Posen joined with Epping Forest District Council Chairman Darshan Sunger to show the District’s support for the Jewish community of Epping Forest ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January. (more…)
Public Spaces Protection Orders now in place
Published on 26 January 2024The Dog Control and Anti-Social Behaviour Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) have officially come into force for a duration of 3 years. (more…)
Epping time capsule at new leisure centre
Published on 25 January 2024Pupils of Epping Primary School create a time capsule to be buried at new Epping Leisure Centre. (more…)
Overview and Scrutiny 21 November
Published on 24 November 2023Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee discussed a key strategic council document at their meeting on 21 November. (more…)
Latton Priory consultation starts
Published on 31 October 2023Residents can help shape the design of Harlow & Gilston Garden Town’s proposed Latton Priory neighbourhood by taking part in an online survey. (more…)
Overview and Scrutiny October 2023
Published on 30 October 2023Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee met on Tuesday 24 October 2023. (more…)
Cottis Yard
Published on 20 October 2023The Cottis Yard car park will open on 2 November 2023. (more…)
Latton Priory design code events
Published on 19 October 2023Residents from across Harlow and Epping are being asked to take part in a consultation that will contribute towards the design of a new Garden Town community. (more…)
Jewish support event
Published on 18 October 2023Leading members of the Jewish community received the support of Epping Forest District Councillors at the Civic Offices on Monday. (more…)
Council 5 October 2023
Published on 12 October 2023District councillors stood in silent remembrance for a former councillor and chairman of Epping Forest District Council at their meeting on Thursday 5 October. (more…)