Housing pages
House of multiple occupation (HMO)
Published on 1 February 2019Apply for HMO licence
Apply for house of multiple occupation (HMO) licence
A house in multiple occupation (HMO) is a property occupied by 3 or more people (including children) who form more than 1 family and share either a kitchen or a bathroom. A family includes co-habiting partners. (more…)
Energy performance certificate
Published on 1 February 2019Energy performance certificate
Energy performance certificate
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of your property. It is rated on a scale from A to G (A the most efficient and G the least efficient). From the 1st April 2018 there is now a requirement for any properties rented out in the private rented sector to normally have a minimum energy performance rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). (more…)
Advice for landlords
Published on 1 February 2019Advice for landlords
Energy performance certificate
Advice for landlords
Guidance on for landlords on how to let and to lease has been produced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and is available through GOV.UK
Read advice on how to let through GOV.UK
Read advice on how to lease through GOV.UK
Landlord AssociationsSeveral recognised Landlord Associations exist to provide information, (more…)
Park home and caravan and camping site licensing
Published on 1 February 2019Park home and caravan and camping site licensing
Park home and caravan and camping site licensing
To run a park home site, caravan or camping site you need a licence from the local authority. Conditions may be attached to a licence to cover any of the following: (more…)
- Restricting when caravans can be on the site for human habitation or restricting the number of caravans that can be on the site at any one time
- Controlling the types of caravans on the site
- Controlling the positioning of the caravans or regulating the use of other structures and vehicles including tents
- To ensure steps are taken to enhance the land,
Damp and mould in council homes
Published on 14 April 2023Types of tenancy
Housing managementDecorating and improvements to your council home
Damp and mould in council homes
Pet ownership in council homes
Damp and mould in council homes
There are several reasons your home might be suffering from damp and mould. (more…)
Buying or selling a park home
Published on 12 April 2023Buying or selling a park home
Park home and caravan and camping site licensing
Buying or selling a park home
Information on buying and selling a park home, also known as a mobile home.
Buying a park home
Information for anyone intending to buy a park home on a protected site in England.
Selling or gifting a park home
Information for owners of park homes on protected sites in England about selling or gifting a home. (more…)
Empty properties
Published on 31 January 2019Housing conditions and enforcement
Private sector empty properties
Empty properties
Each property that stands empty is a wasted resource.
The Epping Forest district has a growing demand for homes for rent or purchase and we want empty properties brought back into use as quickly as possible. They can cause problems in relation to anti-social behaviour that affects the local community. (more…)
Housing conditions and enforcement
Published on 31 January 2019Housing conditions and enforcement
Private sector empty properties
Housing conditions and enforcement
Privately rented homes need to be safe for residents to live in, we look at
- Disrepair
- Dampness
- Overcrowding
- Fire precautions
- Missing amenities
We use enforcement procedures to achieve statutory housing and environmental standards. (more…)
Damp and mould in private rented homes
Published on 17 April 2023Housing conditions and enforcement
Damp and mould in private rented homes
Private sector empty properties
Damp and mould in private rented homes
There are several reasons your home might be suffering from damp and mould. It is surprising how few reasons are related to major building defects.
This page is for tenants who privately rent their home. (more…)
Advice for private tenants
Published on 31 January 2019Advice for private tenants
Housing conditions and enforcement
Private sector empty properties
Advice for private tenants
To help tenants understand their rights and responsibilities when renting in the private sector GOV.uk has produced some helpful guidance on how to rent.
Download GOV.UK’s guidance on how to rent (pdf)It explains the questions that tenants should ask when thinking about renting a property, (more…)