Planning pages
Registered parks and gardens
Published on 18 April 2019Registered parks and gardens
Registered parks and gardens
The registered parks and gardens sites are of special historic interest because of their layout, features and architectural ornament.
They make a positive contribution to the landscape of our countryside and towns.
English Heritage maintains a register of historic parks and gardens. (more…)
Locally listed buildings
Published on 16 April 2019Locally listed buildings
Locally listed buildings
This is a list of local buildings and other structures of architectural or historic interest. It includes a wide variety of buildings and structures that are of local interest that do not meet standards for inclusion on the national list.
Locally listed buildings make an important contribution to the character and appearance of the local scene. (more…)
Conservation areas
Published on 16 April 2019Conservation areas
Conservation areas are designated areas considered to be of special architectural or historic interest.
The designation of a conservation area introduces special controls, including the requirement of a planning application to demolish any building or part of a building or to carry out works on protected trees. (more…)
Listed buildings
Published on 16 April 2019Listed buildings
Listed buildings are buildings or structures of special architectural or historic interest.
The purpose of listing is to ensure that the character and special interest of the building is preserved. To protect the country’s heritage, demolition is rarely allowed and only then after the most careful and detailed consideration. (more…)
Scheduled monuments
Published on 16 April 2019Scheduled monuments
Scheduled monuments
Scheduled monuments are nationally important archaeological sites or historic buildings which have protection against unauthorised change. The list is a register compiled by Historic England, but the final decision whether or not to schedule something is taken by the Department for Culture, (more…)
Interactive planning map
Published on 13 March 2019Search, view and comment on planning applications
Do you need planning permission?
Pre and post application advice
Planning application validation requirements
EFSAC – Guidance for applicants
Interactive planning map
Weekly list of planning applications
Development Management service guide
Planning Enforcement service guide
Interactive planning map
Our interactive planning map allows you to see past and present planning application reference numbers for properties in the district, (more…)
Land at Harlow Road Appeal
Published on 3 April 2024Search, view and comment on planning applications
Do you need planning permission?
Pre and post application advice
Planning application validation requirements
EFSAC ā Guidance for applicants
Weekly list of planning applications
Development Management service guide
Planning Enforcement service guide
Land at Harlow Road Appeal
A public inquiry will be held following the refusal of the planning application for:
The construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic (āPVā) farm and associated infrastructure, (more…)
Weekly list of planning applications
Published on 30 January 2019Weekly list of planning applications
Download our weekly list of planning & (more…)
Biodiversity net gain
Published on 6 February 2024Search, view and comment on planning applications
Do you need planning permission?
Pre and post application advice
Planning application validation requirements
Biodiversity net gain
Weekly list of planning applications
Development Management service guide
Planning Enforcement service guide (more…)
Biodiversity net gain
What is biodiversity net gain (BNG)? -
Section 106 agreements
Published on 14 October 2022Search, view and comment on planning applications
Do you need planning permission?
Pre and post application advice
Planning application validation requirements
Section 106 agreements
Weekly list of planning applications
Development Management service guide
Planning Enforcement service guide
Section 106 agreements
There are 2 separate Section 106 (S106) proforma templates that can be used by applicants and / or their agents according to the matters to be secured. (more…)