Clean air day

Clean air at the school gates

Community news, Housing, planning and environment news, News

Epping Forest District Council and partners visited Alderton Infant School, Loughton for clean air day to raise awareness of the impact idling vehicles have on children’s health.

Clean air day

On Thursday 15 June, Epping Forest District Council’s (EFDC) Environmental Health and Enforcement teams, district and town councillors and North Essex Parking Partnership staff joined forces with Alderton Infant School to raise awareness of the negative effect idling vehicles has on children’s health. The group encouraged drivers to turn off their engines during drop off and pick up times.

Eco warriors

The initiative was a result of a letter from a group of pupils from Alderton Infant School called the eco warriors, who expressed their concerns about the negative impacts of air pollution on their developing lungs.

Clean up our air to look after your mind

Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder, Cllr Ken Williamson said:

This year’s clean air day theme was ‘Clean up our air to look after your mind’.

The joint campaign with EFDC officers, Alderton Infant School and partners focused on the little things that have a big impact towards improving our air quality.

Cleaning up our air is good for us in many ways, it not only benefits our physical health and the environment but can also protect our mental health.

Great pleasure

District councillor for Loughton Alderton, Cllr Ian Allgood added:

It was a great pleasure to take part in this activity. I learnt a lot about the laws and consequences of leaving your car idling when parked.

I hope there will be more events like this to increase awareness and to reduce pollution to our children.

An empowering experience

A representative of the Alderton Infant School eco warriors said:

It was great to have the support from EFDC staff and partners to help raise awareness of the damaging impact idling can have on the air quality and the health of the community, especially children.

The eco warriors were so pleased that their letter had such an impact. This was an empowering experience for the children, who are the next generation of leaders and active participants in our community to help tackle climate change.

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