Clearing of illegal waste

Clearing of illegal waste

Community news, Housing, planning and environment news, News

Residents warned of possible odour issues as large amount of waste is being cleared in Abridge.

Over the last 2 years, Epping Forest District Council and Essex County Council have been working together to tackle an unauthorised waste deposit at a property in Abridge, that has created a foul odour.

The odour, described by residents as smelling of rotten egg and stagnant water, had been noticed as far away as Debden.

Being cleared

The waste is now being cleared and disposed of. The owners of the property are working 6 days a week to clear all the rubbish. Residents in the village may notice an unpleasant odour intermittently, depending on weather conditions, as the waste is disturbed.

It is estimated to be all cleared by the end of March 2025.

Light at the end of the tunnel

Thank you to residents for their continuous understanding and support on this matter. Your cooperation and patience throughout this complex case has been greatly appreciated by both authorities.

The intensity of the odour has varied over the last year. Regular monitoring has shown that it is not hazardous, just very unpleasant at times. I am so pleased the waste is being cleared and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Councillor Paul Keska, Portfolio Holder for Regulatory, Technical and Community Safety Services

Report an issue

The EFDC Environmental Protection and Drainage Team asks residents to contact them if the odour becomes too frequent or intense.

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