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Epping Forest Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Epping Forest Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 to 2026
We want everyone who lives and works in the Epping Forest district to lead happy, healthy lives and reach their full potential. This strategy will set out our partnerships 4-year plan to improve health and wellbeing in the district and achieve this aim.
Our partnership is made up of statutory, partners such as Essex County Council, the NHS and Epping Forest District Council. Commissioned service providers for example Essex Partnership University Trust (EPUT) HCRG Care Group, and third sector organisations such as Citizens Advice. However, all organisations that deliver services locally have a part to play in the health and wellbeing of residents.
Alongside the strategy we will develop an annual action plan. The plan will set out key activities and initiatives we will deliver in partnership via our local action groups. This plan will be reviewed and refreshed at intervals throughout the lifetime of this strategy to enable our us to respond to emerging future needs.