Cost of living and community support
Epping Community Hub
The Civic Offices is much more than just a place to access your district council services. The Epping Community Hub is a one-stop shop for residents to access a wide range of services for help and advice.
How it works
There will be set times and days when each organisation will be based at the Epping Community Hub. This is to ensure a range of services is available, there is space for private interviews and to observe social distancing.
For most services in the hub, you will need to book an appointment with the service you require. All contact details are below.
Warm places in Epping Forest
Warm places will be open in the hub on Monday from 1pm to 4pm to provide a free, safe, warm and comfortable space for those who need it. Find out more:
Barclays bank
Following the closure of the Barclays Epping branch, they will now be assisting with banking enquiries and any banking digital support. Note that they will not be able to assist with cash transactions.
At the hub
- Wednesday 9.30am to 4.30pm
- Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm
- Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Contact Barclays:
- Book an appointment via the Barclays website
- Call 0345 7345 345 ( Barclays customer services)
Citizens Advice Epping Forest District
Citizens Advice offers free, impartial, confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person. The issues they cover include energy and issuing of Foodbank vouchers, housing, immigration, work, benefits, debt and money, family and consumer. They have specialist advisers covering employment, benefits and debt problems and can refer to other specialist services if they are unable to advise on the presenting problem.
Citizens Advice will be offering initial conversations with people who come to the Hub. An appointment would be scheduled if further help is required.
At the hub:
- Thursday 10am to 2pm
Contact Citizens Advice Epping Forest District:
- For general advice call 0808 278 7855
- Visit the Citizens Advice website
The Change Project
The Change Hub provide 1-2-1 interventions and advice to any resident over the age of 16 who want to make positive changes in how they behave in their relationships with others, whether this is with a partner, ex-partner or family member.
At the hub:
- Tuesday 2pm to 4pm
Contact The Change Project:
- Visit the The Change Project website
- Email
- Call 07519 103069
CHESS Homeless
CHESS works to ensure that people who find themselves homeless in Essex are supported in ways that enable them to move forward purposefully and in good health. They provide accommodation, support and sign-posting services to homeless adults.
At the hub:
- Monday 1.30pm to 4.30pm
To contact CHESS Homeless head office:
- Call 01245 281104
- Visit the CHESS website
The Department for Work and Pensions
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.
At the hub:
- Thursday 9.30am to 4pm
To contact DWP:
EFDC Services
All Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) services are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm however, some services will have an enhanced presence at the hub throughout the week. Our Welcome Hub officers will be available to support customers access our services online.
At the hub:
Homelessness triage and support officer – providing advice to anyone homeless or threatened with homelessness
- Monday to Thursday 9am to 5.15pm
- Friday 9am to 5pm
Revenue and Benefits – get advice and support with claiming housing benefit, Council Tax support, disabled relief, single person’s discounts, issuing of foodbank vouchers.
- Thursday 9am to 5.15pm
Contact us:
- Call 01992 564000
- Fill in a general enquiry form
Let’s Get Together is a social drop-in session run by our community development and wellbeing team. It is held every Tuesday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm as a social space to provide people with support and company.
Epping Forest Food Bank
Epping Forest Food Bank provides emergency food parcels to people who live in or near the Epping Forest district who have been referred to them by Frontline care.
At the hub:
- Tuesday 10am to 12pm
Contact Epping Forest Food Bank:
- Call 07402 032 313
- Email
- Visit the Epping Forest Food Bank website
Essex County Council – Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care is a system of support designed to maintain and promote the independence and wellbeing of disabled people, older people, and informal carers.
Prevention and early intervention are at the heart of the system. If an individual has needs that are not eligible, their local authority will support them by signposting or connecting them with voluntary or local community organisations that can support their needs.
Assessments are carried out by professional social workers or other council adult social care staff.
At the hub:
- Friday 9:30am to 1pm
There is no need to book an appointment with Adult Social Care, just turn up on the day to speak to someone.
For more information or advice:
- Call 0345 603 7630
- Textphone 0345 758 5592
(Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 5pm, Friday, 8.45am to 4.30pm)
- Out of hours queries call 0345 606 1212
- Email
- Visit the Essex County Council website
Essex Cares Ltd
Essex Cares Ltd supports individuals with a diagnosed learning disability and/or Autism into paid employment and work opportunities. They provide customers with a bespoke service which covers CV writing, applications, interview preparation, interview attendance support, job coaching and sustainment.
At the hub:
- Tuesday 10am to 2pm (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
To book an appointment:
- Call 0333 013 5438
- Email
- Visit the ecl website
Essex County Council – Family Solutions
Essex County Council Family Solutions provides early support to families through joint appointments with partner agencies. Providing a safe space for families to get help and advice.
At the hub:
- Tuesdays 10am to 2pm (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
For further information or advice:
- Call 03330 139 934
- Visit Essex County Council – Children, young people and families website
Essex County Fire & Rescue Service
Essex County Fire & Rescue provide advice to keep people safe in their homes, at work and when travelling through Essex. Offering free Home Safety Visits including supplying and fitting smoke alarms for free.
At the hub:
- Tuesday 11am to 3pm
Contact Essex County Fire & Rescue
Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)
EPUT is providing community mental health services will provide triage, assessment and treatment for individuals with mental health needs in the community.
At the hub:
Community mental health
- Friday 9.30am to 1pm (every 3rd Friday of the month)
- Wednesday 12pm to 4pm
For the Community mental health service contact:
- Call 01279 967200
- Email
- Visit the EPUT website
For the Employ-Ability initiative contact
- Call 01279 450299
- Email
- Employ-Ability website
IPS Lead Employment Specialist
- Email
- Call 07507 724257
Retention Lead Specialist
- Email
- Call 07827 885924
The Essex Wellbeing Service
The Essex Wellbeing Service provides Essex residents (excluding Southend-On-Sea and Thurrock) with access to health checks; stop smoking services; weight management courses; and emotional health and wellbeing support.
At the hub:
- Monday 1pm to 4pm (every 3rd Monday of the month)
For further information or advice
Open Road (west essex)
Open road is a charity covering Essex, East Anglia and Kent. Providing support and signposting, wellbeing initiatives, counselling, and practical help for people affected by drug or alcohol addiction and other health and social problems.
At the hub (from Wednesday 17 July 2024):
- Wednesday 9am to 5pm
To make an appointment contact:
- Call 01279 434621
- Email
For further information or advice
Peabody Outreach Support
Essex Outreach Support offers a short-term support service to people over the age of 16 years, living within Essex who are experiencing a range of problems that are impacting their health, financial and housing wellbeing.
At the hub by appointment only:
- Friday 10am to 4pm
To make an appointment contact:
- Call 0800 2888 883
- Email
For further information or advice
Phoenix Futures
Phoenix Futures are a charity and housing association which has been helping people overcome drug and alcohol problems for more than 50 years. They provide residential, prison, community, and specialist services. They believe in being the best, we are passionate about recovery, and value their history and use it to inform there future.
At the hub:
- Friday 5 July 10am to 2pm
- Friday 7 August 10am to 2pm
To contact Phoenix Futures:
- Call 07701 022571
- Email
- Phoenix Futures website
Vita Health Group
NHS Talking Therapies West Essex – provides psychological therapy for those with mild to moderate mental health difficulties
At the hub:
- Monday 10am to 2pm
To contact Vita Health Group:
- Call 0333 015 2966
- Email
- Visit the Vita Health Group website
Voluntary Action Epping Forest
Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF) is an independent charity whose core work is aimed at helping other local charities and community groups to achieve their full potential.
VAEF develops new initiatives to meet the community’s needs, such as:
- Ace Activities for people with learning difficulties
- Benefits advice for housebound residents
- Befriending for older people who live on their own or in isolation
- Gardening and handyman services, providing help from trusted workers to people who need it
The charity also provides a comprehensive volunteer service to help local people become involved in volunteering.
At the hub:
- Monday 11.15am to 4.30pm
- Wednesday 10am to 1.30pm
To contact VAEF:
- Call 01992 910 701
- Email
- Visit the VAEF website