Full Council Meeting

Council 8 August

Democracy news, Housing, planning and environment news, News

Councillors met for a special meeting to consider the proposed changes to the council’s planning decision-making, following a review from the Planning Advisory Service.

Members agreed to all the recommended changes, with the new Committee Structure set to start this autumn.

Watch the meeting

Planning review

The constitution working group presented a report based on the recent review from the Planning Advisory Service (PAS), part of the Local Government Association (LGA). The PAS made several recommendations to help improve the efficiency and value in the way Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) makes planning decisions.

Changes to planning committees

The council currently operates with 3 sub-committees for planning: East, South, West, and the District Development Management Committee. Each considers planning applications, planning enforcement and tree preservation issues.

Members agreed to PAS’s best practice advice to only have 2 district-wide planning committees:

  1. Planning Committee A
  2. Planning Committee B

Both new committees will have 9 councillors ensuring all parties are represented.

Parish and town councils

Councillors voted unanimously to include an amendment that maintains relevant applications being determined at Committee if representatives from Town and Parish Councils attend the Committee to voice any objections, they have on that planning application. Members discussed the vital role the Town and Parish Councils currently play in the planning application process and how their input is valued by EFDC and residents. This amendment ensures their contributions continue.


All chosen members will be required to participate in mandatory training sessions.

The new arrangement will no longer be based on location within the district, which raised concerns about losing local knowledge from ward councillors. To maintain that knowledge, it was decided that ward members will be welcome to speak at committee meetings, ensuring that residents’ voices are represented, and their views are heard. Ward members will not, however, be able to cast their vote on whether an application is approved or not.


Councillors agreed to review the planning committees after 9 months of the changes.

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