Council Tax
Manage your Council Tax online
Register or report a change of address
What will happen if you do not pay
Council Tax bands and amounts
Council Tax bands and amounts
Your Council Tax band is based on the value of your property on 1 April 1991.
Check your Council Tax charge
Select your address from the list by entering your address or post code in the search box to find your Council Tax charge for 2024 to 2025.
Check your Council Tax band
Council Tax valuation band ranges
Properties in England are split into 8 bands from A to H, depending on the price they would have sold for in April 1991.
Council Tax bands are worked out by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).
The valuation band ranges for England are:
- Band A – Up to £40,000
- Band B – £40,001 to £52,000
- Band C – £52,001 to £68,000
- Band D – £68,001 to £88,000
- Band E – £88,001 to £120,000
- Band F – £120,001 to £160,000
- Band G – £160,001 to £320,000
- Band H – More than £320,000
Proposals and band reviews
If you challenge your band, you must continue to pay Council Tax at your current band until your appeal is decided.
Property attribute data (PAD)
The VOA recently published new Council Tax guidance on property attribute data. This is the information the VOA holds about your property for Council Tax purposes.
Customers can use this information to support a Council Tax band challenge.
Contact VOA
Contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) if you need help with things like:
- Your property’s Council Tax band
- The rateable value of your property, if you pay business rates
- Local Housing Allowance and fair rents
If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA:
- Call 03000 501 501
Council Tax banding and Local Council Tax Support
If your property has not yet been assigned a Council Tax band by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), you can still apply for Local Council Tax Support.
Your application will be held on file and processed as soon as the VOA has confirmed the banding for your property. We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible to avoid delays in receiving any support you may be entitled to once the banding is in place.
To find out how Council Tax banding works, visit GOV.UK Check your Council Tax band.