Council Tax
Local Council Tax Support for working age people
Council Tax Support (CTS) for working age people changed on the 1 April 2024.
The scheme is a discount scheme based on income bands and types of household. The table below shows the household types and the income bands and the discount that then applies. Depending on your household type and income there are 3 possible discounts:
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
The new scheme is easier to understand, more flexible and produces faster payments to council tax accounts. Most people who get council tax support will either receive the same award or a higher award under the new scheme. There will be some people who will lose out.
Check the table below to see the discount that will apply to your circumstances.
Where there is an award of CTS, your new Council Tax bill will show the CTS code and percentage support that you are entitled to. We will no longer send you a letter showing the CTS you are awarded.
Working age applicants must pay at least 25% of their Council Tax charge, so the maximum discount you can get is 75%. The table below shows the income bands and the percentage code that will appear on the bill.
Apply online
Severe Disability
If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you will only get the severe disability Council Tax Support discount if your current Universal Credit award is in inclusive of transitional protection due to previously receiving the severe disability premium within your ESA(IR), JSA(IB) or Income Support award.
If you are single, the severe disability is included in your award if:
- you receive a qualifying disability benefit (Attendance Allowance, constant Attendance Allowance, the care component of Disability Living Allowance at the middle or highest rate or Personal Independence Payment daily living component at standard or enhanced rate); and
- nobody gets paid Carer’s Allowance, Carer Support Payment or the carer element of Universal Credit for looking after you (if your carer is eligible for CA or CSP but does not receive a payment due to overlapping benefit rules then they do not count); and
- you have nobody living with you (unless they are also receiving a qualifying disability benefit or are registered blind)
If you are a couple, the severe disability is included in your award if:
- you both receive a qualifying disability benefit (or one of you receives a qualifying disability benefit and the other person is registered blind); and
- you have nobody else living with you (unless they are also receiving a qualifying disability benefit or are registered blind)
Local Council Tax Support for working age people
Number in your household | Weekly income £0 to £100 |
Weekly income £100.01 to £175 |
Weekly income £175.01 to £250 |
Weekly income £250.01 to £325 |
Weekly income £325.01 to £400 |
Weekly income £400.01+ |
Single person | 75% (A1) | 50% (A2) | 25% (A3) | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Couple | 75% (B1) | 50% (B2) | 25% (B3) | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Single person and 1 child |
75% (C1) | 75% (C2) | 50% (C3) | 25% (C4) | 0% | 0% |
Couple and 1 child |
75% (D1) | 75% (D2) | 50% (D3) | 25% (D4) | 0% | 0% |
Single person and 2+ children |
75% (E1) | 75% (E2) | 75% (E3) | 50% (E4) | 25% (E5) | 0% |
Couple and 2+ children |
75% (F1) | 75% (F2) | 75% (F3) | 50% (F4) | 25% (F5) | 0% |
Severe disability | 75% (G1) | 75% (G2) | 75% (G3) | 75% (G4) | 75% (G5) | 0% |
The other main rules of the new working age CTS scheme are:
- If you receive Income Support, Employment Support Allowance (income related) or Job Seeker’s Allowance (Income based) you will receive 75% support
- The income bands shown are net weekly amounts. This is income less tax, national insurance and half of any work-related pension
- If you have joint savings above £6,000 you do not qualify
- £20 per week of any household earnings will be ignored
- Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments, Armed Forces Independent Payments, Child Benefit and Child Maintenance will be ignored when working out net weekly income
- The income of any other adults who live in the property, who are not your partner, will not affect the level of support
- If you get Universal Credit the following elements will be disregarded when calculating the level of income:
- Housing costs element
- Carer’s element
- Limited capability for work element
- Disabled child element
- Child Care Costs
How your Council Tax payments are calculated inclusive of Council Tax Support:
The Council Tax Support discount is worked out based on the balance after any other Council Tax discounts or disregards have been applied i.e. Single Person Discount. This is also reflected in the breakdown on your bill.
- Council Tax due for period 1 April 2024 to 31 May 2025 at Band C = £1837.46
- Less Single Person Discount (25%) = £459.37
- Balance = £1378.09
- Less 75% Council Tax Support (Code A1) = £1033.57
- Total Council Tax charged = £344.52
Please note, your payments are not calculated by adding the percentages of each discount together and then deducting the total percentage from the gross charge.
Housing Benefit
If you need to claim Housing Benefit and are working age and are in temporary or supported accommodation you will need to claim this separately.
Changes in circumstances
If your circumstances change you can tell us on the application form below.
Examples of changes in circumstances include:
- Your address
- Your income
- Your savings
- People living in your home
You must tell us within 21 days of any change that could affect your liability and any of the reductions you receive Otherwise you could be subject to a civil penalty of £70 or prosecution and have to pay back any amount incorrectly claimed.
Need help?
Get help from our benefits team online or in person.
In person
Get help from our benefits team in your community. No appointment is necessary. You must be a resident in the Epping Forest district to get help.
- Tuesday – 9.30am to 12.30pm at Waltham Abbey Outreach, Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre, 19 Hill House, Waltham Abbey, EN9 3EL
- Thursday – 9am to 5.15pm at Epping Community Hub, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ