Council Tax
Manage your Council Tax online
Register or report a change of address
What will happen if you do not pay
Reminders and court summons
Reminders and court summons
Council Tax recovery
Council Tax payments are due in monthly instalments. If payments are not kept up, recovery action will start.
Throughout the year if your Council Tax bill is not paid you will receive 3 reminders:
- 2 reminders
- 1 final reminder
Once you have received a final reminder you need to get in contact with us to make arrange arrangements to pay your bill.
If payments are still not made a summons will be issued and costs will be added to the account following a liability order through the magistrates court.
If the total Council Tax outstanding, including the additional charge shown on the court summons, is paid before the court hearing date, then there will be no further action.
Reminder & Final notice FAQ’s
A reminder has been issued because our records show that you have missed one or more of your payments.
Where can I get a copy of the explanatory notes regarding the reminder notice?
Where can I get a copy of the explanatory notes regarding the final notice?
What should I do next?
How can I avoid this happening again?
Make sure your instalments are paid by the date due or make future payments by Direct Debit.
What if I believe I have paid the sum due?
If you have paid the amount on the reminder, within the past few days, it is possible that your payment will have crossed in the post. In this case, please ignore this notice and accept our apologies.
If you feel that you have made other payments, that are not accounted for on this notice, please notify to the Council Tax section and attach your payment receipts to:
What if I have applied for Local Council Tax Support?
Until your support is granted, you must pay the instalments given with your bill. If you receive benefit later, it will be taken away from the amount you owe. You will receive a new bill, or a refund if you have overpaid. Any enquiries contact
Are there any other ways of reducing my bill?
Yes, there various discounts and exemptions which you may be able to claim.
A property may be exempt from Council Tax. For the time the property is exempt, no Council Tax is charged.
If you are eligible you can get a discount on your Council Tax bill. If your application is successful, we will revise your Council Tax bill and refund any overpaid amounts.
Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) is provided to people on low incomes to help with their Council Tax bill.
If you are suffering financial hardship you should seek debt advice from the Citizens Advice on
- Call 0300 330 2197
- Visit Citizens advice website
What if I have appealed against my valuation banding?
If you have made an appeal which has not yet been heard, you must continue to pay the current level of Council tax. If your appeal is successful, we will refund any monies overpaid.
Contact the Listing officer about your appeal by:
- GOV.UK contact VOA website
- Call 03000 501501