Councillors meet ahead of Christmas
The final meeting before Christmas of Epping Forest District Council took place at the Civic Offices on Tuesday 17 December.
Speed meeting
Council Chairman, Councillor Les Burrows gave a run down of his most recent engagements including the speed meeting between members of Epping Forest District Council and their Youth Council counterparts. He said:
I must say how impressed I was to be part of our Youth Council’s speed meeting. It was wonderful to spend time with our youth councillors.
Local government financial settlement
Councillor Chris Whitbread, Leader of Council provided a verbal update on the anticipated local government financial settlement, due later in the week. He then went on to congratulate staff for the hard work they undertake on behalf of the district before updating fellow councillors on the recently published Devolution White Paper. He promised further updates in the New Year.
Portfolio Holder Councillor Ken Williamson gave a verbal update on the National Planning Policy Framework which proposes a significant increase in housing building numbers, over and above the council’s own Local Plan adopted in 2023. Portfolio Holder Paul Keska also provided an update on the Building Control service of highly qualified staff.
Portfolio Holder Tim Matthews reported on the conclusion of the sale of the Cartersfield industrial units in Waltham Abbey.
In other business, councillors put questions to members of the Cabinet regarding the use of money from Right to Buy sales to build new council houses, and community events to support local residents including the Oakwood Hill Safer Streets initiative.
Commitment to child protection
In a powerful and emotional speech, Councillor Chidi Nweke reminded councillors of the huge responsibility councils have to protect children from abuse and harm.
In the wake of the Sara Sharif trial, he asked councillors to reflect on how to better engage with Essex County Council and the local community to try to ensure nothing similar could happen in Epping Forest District. Deeply moved, Councillor Chris Whitbread reassured Councillor Nweke of the whole council’s commitment to child protection.
Councillor Jon Whitehouse raised the possibility of next year’s Essex County Council elections being suspended following the publication of the Government Devolution White Paper earlier in the week. Councillor Whitbread confirmed that any such decision would be taken by the Government rather than the council.
Councillor Chris Whitbread was also delighted to endorse comments by Councillor Stephen Murray praising the range of individual volunteers and charities that support our community.
In response to Councillor Jaymey McIvor, Councillor Whitbread confirmed that the Devolution White Paper would lead to change, including for the district council’s wider family of Qualis providing housing maintenance to council tenants and TVS delivering a first-class refuse and recycling collection service since taking over the contract in November. Councillor Williamson confirmed that planning and management of materials being brought on site for new developments was important to minimise disruption to local residents.
Free parking
Councillor Darshan Sunger asked Councillor Holly Whitbread to confirm free weekend parking in council car parks throughout December. Councillor Whitbread also encouraged councillors and residents to make the most of free parking to support local businesses at this most crucial trading time of the year.
Councillor Ray Balcombe was pleased to confirm the excellent performance of TVS during its first weeks of operation.
Councillor Chris Pond remembered when Epping Forest District Council managed the Highways agency on behalf of Essex County Council, and whether lessons could be learnt for any future arrangements brought about by the Devolution White Paper.
Councillor Ian Allgood asked if the prudent financial planning of the council could be used to the advantage of the district before any reorganisation into potentially larger organisations. Councillor Whitbread responded that money would be a key part of the discussions.
Councillors went on to make temporary appointments for interim head of paid service and monitoring officer, approve the review of polling stations, endorsement of the Gambling Act 2005 Licensing Policy and additional investment to complete the permanent Waste and Recycling Operations Hub for TVS at North Weald Airfield.
The Vice-Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny (O&S), Councillor Craig McCann was pleased to report that written answers have now been received following discussions with TfL and will be made available to all councillors. He also reported on the most recent meeting of O&S as part of the budget preparations for 2025/2026. Committee member Stephen Murray was also pleased to congratulate council staff for the engagement with residents ahead of the Broadway housing refurbishment scheme.
Museum exhibition
Councillor Holly Whitbread reported on the official opening of permanent Winston Churchill exhibition at Epping Forest District Museum, a year after the museum was launched as a charitable trust.
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