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Public Spaces Protection Orders
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Public Spaces Protection Orders
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) are orders under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 which ban specific acts in a designated area within England and Wales.
Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation
The Council consulted on the dog control and anti-social behaviour PSPOs for a period of 28 days between Monday 23 October 2023 and Monday 20 November 2023. Responses to the consultation were been reviewed and the Orders have been be put in place.
- View the Dog Control PSPO consultation responses (pdf 602KB)
- View the Debden Broadway PSPO consultation responses (pdf 343KB)
Current Public Spaces Protection Orders
Dog Control
This PSPO applies to all land which is open to the air (including covered land which is open to the air on at least one side) and to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access with or without payment within the whole of the administrative area of Epping Forest District Council.
The PSPO came into force on the 8 January 2024 for a period of 3 years.
Anti-Social Behaviour
This PSPO applies to The Broadway in Debden and came into force on the 8 January 2024 for a period of 3 years. A map of this area can be found in the order below.
Fixed Penalty Notice
A person who fails to comply with any obligation imposed by the PSPOs is guilty of a criminal offence and may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.
More information
- Essex Police – in an emergency always dial 999
- Crimestoppers – give information anonymously
- Victim support – help after crime