Crime and safety
Report a noise problem
Report an unauthorised encampment
Public Spaces Protection Orders
Report a noise problem
We are subjected to a certain degree of noise as part of everyday life. Some noise can be unreasonable depending on how loud it is, the time of the day and how long the noise has been going on for.
If you’re having a problem with noise like loud music or barking dogs you should first try to have a friendly conversation with the person causing it – they may not be aware they are causing a problem.
If you are unable to resolve the issue you should contact us to assist you. You also have the right to take your own legal action.
Noise we investigate
- Loud music
- Noisy neighbours
- Party noise
- Animal noise
- Builders noise
Noise we do not investigate
- Noise from aircraft. Our Environmental Enforcement Team are unable to take any action regarding noise from aircraft as a statutory nuisance. If you are affected by such noise, please contact the source or destination airfield directly (if they are within the district), or Contact the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for further advice. If you are disturbed by unreasonable activities from aircraft operating from North Weald Airfield contact the Airfield Operations Team by calling 01992 564200 or email
- One-off incidents, or incidents that only last a short time period
- Noise from construction work if carried out within normal working hours between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and between 8am and 1pm on Saturday. No noisy works should occur on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Only limited action can be taken to ensure the noise level is minimised as some work is unavoidably noisy
- DIY at the weekend, we recommend that any noisy DIY occurs at reasonable hours during the day
- Normal living noise such as babies crying, people arguing, children playing, slamming of doors and occasional dog barking will not constitute a statutory nuisance
- Traffic noise issues should be reported to Essex County Council
Noise nuisance diary
A noise nuisance diary contains entries for the time, description and the effect the noise had on you. We can use these to show the extent of the problem when dealing with your complaint.
Download our noise nuisance diary:
Read the noise investigation policy
In order to submit your complaint you will be required to attach a noise nuisance diary
- Call 01992 564000
More information
- Essex Police – in an emergency always dial 999
- Crimestoppers – give information anonymously
- Victim support – help after crime