Crime and safety
Report an unauthorised encampment
Request graffiti removal
Public Spaces Protection Orders
Request graffiti removal
Graffiti is illegal and has a negative impact on the environment. It is the most common type of property vandalism and increases people’s fear of crime.
- Or call 01992 564000 – Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm
Offensive graffiti
Graffiti removal on private property is the responsibility of the owner. If your property has been defaced with graffiti. Report it online to Essex Police as an incident of criminal damage or anti-social behaviour.
If you require financial assistance to remove the graffiti, then you should contact your insurer as this may be covered by your policy.
The only graffiti that we are responsible for clearing is on our own property, however if the graffiti is offensive, the council will work with the owners to remove it as quickly as possible.
Offensive graffiti may contain some or all of the following elements:
- Offensive language
- Language of a political, racial, religiously insulting or inciting nature
- A graphically explicit image
- A statement of hate
Non-offensive graffiti
Non-offensive graffiti on privately owned property is the responsibility of the property owner. We cannot remove graffiti from non-council property such as post boxes, bus shelters, BT boxes, private houses and buildings.
You can report graffiti to the owners of private property directly:
Essex County Council
- Road warning signs, route signs, traffic islands, bollards, public libraries, road bridges
- Telephone 0345 743 0430
- Email
BT Openreach (BT)
Telephone 0800 023 2023 (select option 1), again you will need to provide a specific location, asset number (if known) and a contact name and number.
Transport for London (TfL)
On tube stations and bridges, contact the tube station direct:
Royal Mail
Virgin Media
- Virgin Media website
- Email
- Telephone 08708 883116
EDF Energy
- Energy substations (note the sub station number on the door before reporting)
- Telephone 0845 1201277
- Email
More information
- Essex Police – in an emergency always dial 999
- Crimestoppers – give information anonymously
- Victim support – help after crime