Deed of variation approved
Councillors approved a Section 106 agreement deed of variation to reduce affordable housing quotas at the St John’s and Conder residential development sites in Epping.
The decision was taken at Full Council on Tuesday 19 December, following a referral by the District Development Management Committee on Wednesday 13 December.
Other items approved included the inter-authority agreement for Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee and the Council calendar of meetings for 2024 to 2025.
Mr Stephen Lye presented members allowances recommendation by the independent remuneration panel to councillors at Full Council.
Councillors noted that the overall reduction in the number of councillors from 58 to 54 after the local elections in May 2024, will result in a higher individual workload.
However, they also noted that the reduced number of councillors would allow a basic allowance increase of £300 per year to be managed without an increase in the budget.
Although Epping Forest District councillors pay themselves the lowest allowance levels compared to other councils, they voted to defer a decision on the panel recommendation until the wider budget decisions are taken in the new year.
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