Tree wardens
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Tree wardens
The Tree Warden Scheme is a national network that enables people to play an active role in conserving and enhancing trees and woodlands in their local area.
The scheme was founded by the Tree Council and is coordinated by them in partnership with local authorities. There are 8,000 tree wardens in the UK and Epping Forest District Council has coordinated a Tree Warden Scheme in this district since 1994.
What are tree wardens?
Tree wardens are volunteers who gather information about their local trees and get involved in local tree matters. They organise activities, fundraise, research and advise on trees and related topics.
What tree wardens do
All tree wardens are volunteers and they do not have specific duties. They are encouraged to work under 4 broad categories:
- Information gathering
- Local liaison
- Practical projects
- Protecting trees
We also encourage them to take up issues that interest them or initiatives that we and the Tree Council are promoting. We do also encourage our tree wardens to be our eyes and ears on the ground and let us know if there are any issues or problems with trees. Importantly, they get involved in local tree matters and encourage practical projects to do with trees. The protection of trees can be as simple as contacting us in the event of intentional damage or helping on practical project days.
Who do the Epping Forest tree wardens respond to?
Epping Forest District Council coordinates the Epping Forest tree wardens on behalf of the Tree Council. Across the country, tree warden groups are run by local councils, which in the main tend to be district councils. Countrycare coordinate the Epping Forest Tree Warden Scheme. Our tree wardens are encouraged to talk to and work with their local parish and town councils.
Do they cost local councils anything?
The tree wardens are all volunteers and as such give their time for free. Countrycare and the Tree Council bear the cost of publications, coordinating the scheme and training.
What training is needed?
It is essential to ensure that you have a good understanding of the plans and priorities for trees in your local area. We will offer a range of practical advice and training sessions in the form of slide shows, walks and talks. Staff from Countrycare and tree officers organise a regular programme of training events through the year. In addition, there is a range of publications that the tree wardens are also given. Wardens are encouraged to attend these training days as well as 2 open meetings held each year.
Being a tree warden will give you the chance to conserve your local tree heritage and enhance it for future generations. We are always looking for more tree wardens. If you think you may be interested please contact us:
- Email contactcountrycare@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- Call 01992 564224
Why trees are good for you
View our ‘Why trees are good for you’ leaflet.