High hedges
If you have an issue with a neighbour’s high hedge it is best to try and resolve the matter directly and amicably with your neighbour in the first instance.
If you are unable to resolve the issue directly, you may wish to consider using a mediator. Recommendations for mediation services can be found via the Civil Mediation Directory.
If all reasonable efforts fail you can make a formal complaint, under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, through our tree & landscape team.
Before making a formal complaint please be aware
- The law only applies to evergreen or semi-evergreen hedges more than two metres high, consisting of two or more trees and growing on land owned or occupied by someone else.
- We can only deal with a complaint if the person affected has taken steps to settle the dispute themselves before making a formal complaint to the Council. There is a requirement to provide evidence of at least 2 written approaches over a substantial period of time (eg 8-12 weeks between letters).
- You will have to pay a fee to the Council to have a formal complaint considered. This will normally be non-refundable whether your complaint is upheld or not. The fee payable is £550 for an initial complaint and £220 for repeat complaints.
If the complaint is valid the Council will assess the points, and decide whether they are sufficient to warrant a reduction in height of the hedge.
More advice can be found on GOV.UK
Making a formal complaint
If you have been unable to resolve the issue yourself and wish to proceed with a formal complaint
Then send back the completed form and appropriate fee
- Email contactTrees@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- Post Trees and Landscape, Governance Directorate, Epping Forest District Council Civic offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ
Further information on High Hedges
More information and guidance on high hedges can be found via GOV.UK