Tree preservation orders
Tree preservation orders (TPO’s)
Not all trees are protected but many are.
Before undertaking any pruning or removal of trees at your property you should check whether the trees are protected, as prior permission may be required for the work.
Trees can be protected by a Tree Preservation Order, Conservation Area designation or planning conditions.
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by a local planning authority to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. The order protects all live parts of the tree including roots and prohibits:
- cutting down
- uprooting
- topping
- lopping
- wilful damage
- wilful destruction
Some activities are exempt and do not require formal permission. These are
- dead wooding
- making dangerous trees safe
- pruning fruit trees for commercial fruit production
If a protected tree needs immediate attention please get your tree surgeon to liaise with us the planning authority and take photos as evidence, before any works take place. Your photos should show the tree in context.
You can also check if a Tree is protected by contacting us in writing
- By Email: contacttrees@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- By Post: Trees and Landscape, Planning Service, Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ
This information should also come up in official searches undertaken when purchasing a property.
Please be aware that the Local planning authority does not become responsible for protected trees.
The owner retains responsibility for their safety, and for meeting the costs of any necessary inspections or pruning.
Need to carry out work on a protected tree?
If you need to carry out work on a protected tree on your land, you will need to get prior formal consent from us as the local planning authority by completing the relevant form
We recommend getting advice from a tree specialist before submitting your application. The description of works needs to be specific and quantifiable.
Please read the guidelines on applications to ensure your application has everything required for validation.
Applications can also be submitted online via the Planning Portal.
When the application is received, it is dealt with like a planning application. Neighbours, the Parish Council and any interested parties will have an opportunity to make comments on the proposed work.
The application process takes 8 weeks.
If you receive permission, this is normally subject to conditions.
Once you have completed your from please send it back to us by
- Email contacttrees@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- Post Trees and Landscape, Planning, Epping Forest District Council Civic offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ
Need a tree surgeon?
If you need to employ a tree surgeon you must ensure their public liability insurance is up to date and that they are competent to undertake the task required.
Use the link below to find a tree surgeon: