Essex County Council launches new Climate Advice Packs
Essex County Council (ECC) has launched Climate Advice Packs for local residents, businesses, schools and early years.
Each Climate Advice pack offers help and advice on how you can become more sustainable and reduce your carbon emissions.
Essex County Council have updated 4 Climate Advice Packs for:
ECC have also produced an ‘Easy Read’ Climate Advice Pack.
The Advice Packs have been developed following the innovative recommendations from the Essex Climate Action Commission’s report ‘Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral’. As well as working with the Commission, Essex County Council has also worked with local organisations and communities to provide informative and useful advice on how to become more environmentally friendly.
Reducing your carbon footprint can be a daunting and complex challenge, but the Climate Advice Packs simplify the process and highlight ways to reduce carbon emissions and also potentially save money.
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