Vehicle crossover or dropped kerb
As a resident of the district, you need to ask permission if you want to create parking spaces in your front or rear garden.
Council tenants and owner occupiers
Apply to park a motor vehicle in your front garden
If you are a council tenant or occupier of a former council property or a freehold or leasehold owner of a former council property you must read the conditions in Section 6 of the Tenants Handbook and complete the Park a motor vehicle in your front garden application.
This permission is separate to any permission that you might need to obtain from Planning Services or Essex County Council Highways Authority
From April 2022, an administration fee of £86.79 + VAT (£104.15) will be charged to applicants seeking to create front garden parking. Fees collected will be income to the HRA which will be spent on housing related services, such as estate enhancements.
Owner occupiers and non council tenants
If you are an owner occupier you need to apply to Essex County Council highways
There is a charge for vehicle crossing/ dropped kerb applications, which covers inspection and administration of the work.