Housing key reports and consultations
Housing key reports and consultations
Tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs)
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) regulates the social housing sector to ensure landlords are able to deliver quality homes and services. They updated their regulatory standards in April 2024. The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard includes the Tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs), which are designed to provide tenants with information on their landlord’s performance. Landlords must collect and report on these measures annually.
The TSMs are made up of tenant perception measures (gathered from tenant satisfaction surveys) and measures generated from management information.
The information we collect is centred on:
- Overall tenant satisfaction ratings
- Building safety
- Complaints handling
- Neighbourhood management including anti-social behaviour
- Repairs and maintenance
- Tenant engagement
Our performance
Our tenant satisfaction survey took place across two waves, August-September 2023 and March-April 2024. This was carried out by an independent market research company – Acuity Research and Practice. A big thank you to 1,148 of our tenants who took part in the survey.
Headline figures:
75% of tenants were satisfied with the overall housing service we provide.
74% of tenants were satisfied that we keep them informed about things that matter to them.
78% of tenants agreed that we treat them fairly and with respect.
Our results for 2023/24 can be found in the documents below:
- Tenant satisfaction survey report 2023/24 (pdf 1MB)
- Tenant satisfaction measures 2023 to 2024 (pdf 116KB)
- Tenant satisfaction survey introduction, questions, and summary of approach (csv 320KB)
Looking forward
We are analysing our results to improve our services based on your feedback, and we will continue to use feedback from tenants, and lessees, to find ways to improve our housing services. If you have the opportunity to engage in a survey or give feedback in any other way, please do – it all helps us understand how well we are doing and how we need to change.
Annual report to tenants
The Annual Report to Tenants provides information about how Epping Forest District Council Housing Services performed each year.
You can read the annual report to tenants, download a copy or if you want to request an accessible format Email Housingstrategy@eppingforest.gov.uk.
- Annual Report to Tenants 2024 (pdf 364KB)
- Annual Report to Tenants 2023 (pdf 471KB)
- Annual report to tenants 2022 (pdf 439KB)
- Annual report to tenants 2021 (pdf 188KB)
- Annual report to tenants 2020 (pdf 402KB)
Social housing lettings
- Social Housing Annual Lettings Report 2023-2024 (pdf 327KB)
- Social Housing Annual Lettings Report 2022-2023 (pdf 345KB)
- Social Housing Annual Lettings Report 2021-2022 (pdf 325KB)
- Social housing Annual Lettings Report 2020-2021 (pdf 342KB)
Current consultations
There are currently no open consultations.
Strategies and policies
Read the latest housing strategies and policies
More information
For more information contact the Housing Strategy team: