Empty properties
Each property that stands empty is a wasted resource.
The Epping Forest district has a growing demand for homes for rent or purchase and we want empty properties brought back into use as quickly as possible. They can cause problems in relation to anti-social behaviour that affects the local community.
All reports about an empty property can be investigated by the Empty Property Officer.
Help with letting, selling, and private leasing
If you have an empty property we can help with advice and assistance, along with information on letting, selling, and private leasing. There are financial schemes and incentives.
Place empty homes scheme
The PLACE loan is an interest free loan available to owners of empty properties to renovate them to a suitable standard for selling or letting.
The maximum loan is £50,000 per unit of accommodation:
- Loan to sell must be paid back within 2 years
- Loan to let must be paid back within 5 years
Read our information booklet:
For more information contact our Empty Property Officer
- Telephone 01992 564348
Empty Homes Repayable Assistance
Persons intending to live in or let the property are eligible to apply for a loan of up to £15,000 to bring the property up to the Decent Homes Standard. It must have been empty for at least 6 months, and the loan is repayable on the sale of the property.
More information
Contact private sector housing:
- Telephone 01992 564348
- Email privatesectorhousing@eppingforestdc.gov.uk