Loughton Leisure Centre boiler upgrade
Loughton Leisure Centre has undergone a significant upgrade with replacing its boilers, ensuring improved energy efficiency and sustainability.
Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) was awarded £300,000 by Sport England last year through the swimming pool support fund to support vital energy-saving improvements.
This funding has enabled the installation of new energy-efficient boilers, helping to reduce the centre’s carbon footprint while maintaining a comfortable environment for users.
The investment is part of the EFDC’s wider commitment to sustainability, becoming carbon-neutral by 2030 and ensuring local leisure facilities remain modern, cost-effective and environmentally responsible.
Future generations to enjoy
Swimming pools and leisure centres are vital community resources and are enormously important in helping people to be physically active.
Sport England is proud of the role we play in supporting these facilities. The investment from the government’s swimming pool support fund at Loughton Leisure Centre will help improve energy efficiency and enable the centre to be more environmentally and financially sustainable so it remains available for future generations to enjoy.
Lisa Dodd-Mayne, Executive Director – Place at Sport England
Vital energy-saving upgrades
Our leisure centres are invaluable assets to our district.
The council is heavily invested in continuously improving its leisure facilities. This funding is supporting vital energy-saving upgrades, allowing local facilities to stay modern and be more cost-effective and environmentally responsible.
Councillor Ray Balcombe, EFDC Portfolio Holder for Contracts Delivery
Big step forward
It has been great working alongside and supporting Epping Forest District Council with the installation of new energy-efficient boilers at Loughton Leisure Centre. This is a big step forward and will contribute significantly to reducing the centre’s carbon footprint.
Places Leisure is committed to supporting and collaborating with our partners to decarbonise the centres we manage and Loughton Leisure Centre is a great example of this.
Martin Anderson, Projects Director for Places Leisure
Take the plunge
Book a swimming lesson, gym session, fitness class or personal trainer on the Loughton Leisure Centre website.
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