Operation Dial reduces anti-social behaviour in Debden Broadway

Operation Dial reduces anti-social behaviour in Debden Broadway

Community news, News

Businesses in Debden’s Broadway are reporting an improvement in anti-social behaviour since Operation Dial was introduced in August 2023.

Building relationships with local residents and businesses

This initiative is part of a £1.1 million investment by the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to tackle ASB in 11 hotspots across the county.

Epping Forest District Council Community Resilience Officers, supported by Essex Police officers have been doing regular patrols in the area engaging with the community on concerns of anti-social behaviour, building relationships with local residents and businesses, and reporting illegal activity.

The project has been so successful it has been chosen as an example of how PCC/PFCCs nationwide use their money to help reduce crime across the country. The short video shows officers on patrol, with comments from residents on the success of Operation Dial in Debden Broadway.

Decline in anti-social behaviour

One shop manager said things have definitely improved:

Overall in recent months we have seen a decline in shoplifting. CCTV cameras are helping and we now have a shopkeepers’ WhatsApp Group so we can flag up shoplifting activity as it’s happening.

Another worker commented:

Kids will be kids but they tend not to gather in groups now, which was something that used to put some older residents off from shopping here.

Some traders would like to see patrols during the day, rather than just in the evening, but a local licensee said they thought it has made a difference.

Debden is like a small village so everyone knows about Operation Dial. I’ve lived in Debden for 14 years and things were getting out of hand.

Positive feedback

One restaurateur sought out the patrol while they were investigating fly-tipping in a yard at the back of the restaurant. He said a car had been parked in the yard for several weeks and was making it difficult for delivery drivers. The patrol members said they would investigate to see whether it had been stolen/dumped and would take appropriate action based on their findings.

The patrols have been praised for the help they’ve provided to rough sleepers, vulnerable residents and a dog attack victim.

Fly tips, graffiti, flyposting and noise nuisance are all within the remit of the Operation Dial patrols and they’re able to fast-track any issues they find.

Patrol members say they have not encountered any negative attitudes from residents or businesses.

It’s all been very positive and shopkeepers in particular are happy to see us here.

Report anti-social behaviour

Report an abandoned vehicle, fly tipping, noise nuisance, graffiti, hate crime to Epping Forest District Council (EFDC)

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