Overview and Scrutiny 30 July
Members discussed the processes for improving customer satisfaction, gathering feedback and enhancing the customer experience as the new KPI Suite is introduced.
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KPI Suite
The committee agreed that the new KPI suite is suitable for reviewing the Council’s performance.
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Suite focuses on what is collated nationally by either the Local Government Association or the Office for Local Government, as well as what is important to the Council to deliver its Corporate Plan.
It breaks down elements within different Council services, whether targets have been met, what improvements can be made and how each KPI is measured.
In addition to the KPI Suite, 3 key projects that are integral to the delivery of the Corporate Plan objectives, have been identified for the committee to scrutinise:
- Fit for the Future
- Waste collection services
- New Epping Leisure Centre
Members agreed that the Broadway Major Repairs Project should be added as a fourth key project, to review it is on track, within budget and to note any key milestones.
Members noted an update to the Quarter 1 KPIs since the report was published, showing that 14 indicators have met their targets, rather than the 11 originally reported.
Senior officers will manage and monitor the data; highlighting well performing projects, identifying benchmark information to act as a comparison from previous quarters, and noting corrective actions where necessary.
Q1 budget monitoring report
Members reviewed the Quarter 1 budget monitoring report and were pleased to note that the Council has made a solid financial start to the year, by achieving a small underspend.
There was an anticipated shortfall in income from planning applications. This issue is less severe this year, due to the Council’s decision to reduce the expected income from planning applications for the 2024/25 budget, which was adopted in February 2024.
Budget pressures are being offset by various anticipated underspends in areas such as ICT and Transformation, Financing, and Customer and Communities.
Other items
Members received an update from the Communities and Place Scrutiny Committees.
It was agreed to add the Epping Forest Community Lottery to the Communities Scrutiny Committee work programme. The lottery was recently launched and aims to help raise money for local good causes across the district.
At the last Place Scrutiny Committee, Qualis Property Solutions reported on the progress of ground maintenance after celebrating their first anniversary under Qualis. Many improvements have been made resulting in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction.
Progress has been made in inviting Transport for London (TfL) to attend Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) meetings. Their attendance was discussed at the last O&S meeting, in June, when Cllrs expressed concerns raised by residents about the section of the Central Line based in the district and the TfL bus services. Dates are yet to be confirmed.
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