Planning and building
Do you need planning permission?
When you need it
You’ll probably need planning permission for most building/engineering operations i.e. extensions/additions to a building, new vehicular access, new building, change of use of a building/land etc.
To apply for planning permission, you need to submit an online application on the Planning Portal, where you will be able to view guidance and find the correct application form.
If your project needs planning permission and you do the work without getting it, you can be served an ‘enforcement notice’ ordering you to undo all the changes you have made.
When you do not need it
Some building/engineering projects do not need planning permission, such as loft conversions, extensions, outbuildings etc. This is known as ‘permitted development rights’.
You can use the interactive guide from the Planning Portal website to view what works fall under permitted development.
If you would like to know, in writing, whether your works fall under permitted development, then you will need to submit a Lawful Development Certificate application on the Planning Portal.