Planning and building
Interactive planning map
Our interactive planning map allows you to see past and present planning application reference numbers for properties in the district, as well as some of the most common planning constraints such as:
- Conservation areas
- Listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Flood zones
- Tree protection orders (TPOs)
You may use the address search function in the top left hand corner to find a property, or scroll on the map to locate a specific site.
You will find the layer activation menu in the top right hand corner (it looks like a stack of pages), allowing you to select one or more of the map constraint layers to view. Please note the disclaimer below.
The records available via the interactive map are provided solely in an attempt to be of assistance. Due to ongoing data improvement work the list of applications provided may not be fully complete. We would also advise that due to the passage of time some of the records for earlier years no longer exist.
If you are unsure regarding the relevant constraints, please contact us for assistance, or check:
- GOV.UK – Get flood risk information for planning
- Historic England – Search for listed buildings and other protected sites
If you choose to rely exclusively on the information provided on our website, we cannot accept liability for any consequent use you may make of the information provided, or any action you may take or cause to be taken as a result of relying on the information provided.
Work is constantly in progress to improve the quality of this information. Should you require clarification or have any queries please contact us at