Planning and building
Apply for local land charge search
Local land charges search fees
Local land charges search fees
Our CON29 local land charges search fees are listed below.
Local land charges search fees
Type of search | Fee | VAT | Total |
CON29R residential | £121.50 | £24.30 | £145.80 |
CON29R residential extra parcel fee | £25.50 | £5.10 | £30.60 |
CON29O residential questions 4 to 21 | £19.50 | £3.90 | £23.40 |
CON29O residential question 22 (raised on behalf of Essex legal) | £28 | £5.60 | £33.60 |
CON29O residential admin fee | £29.50 | £5.90 | £35.40 |
Residential additional enquiries | £40 | £8 | £48 |
CON29R commercial | £196.50 | £39.30 | £235.80 |
CON29R commercial extra parcel fee | £41.50 | £8.30 | £49.80 |
CON29O commercial questions 4 to 21 | £31.50 | £6.30 | £37.80 |
CON29O commercial question 22 (raised on behalf of Essex legal) | £45.50 | £9.10 | £54.60 |
CON29O commercial admin fee | £47.00 | £9.40 | £56.40 |
Commercial additional enquiries | £65 | £13 | £78 |
* An extra parcel means land (including a building or part of a building) which is separately occupied or separately rated or, if not occupied or rated, is in separate ownership.
A separate search request should be made for each parcel of land for which a search is required unless each parcel of land has a common boundary or are separated only by a road, railway, river, stream or canal.
For such cases, all the property addresses can be included in one transaction. The fee is then calculated at a standard search fee for the first property and a reduction called the extra parcel fee for the second and each subsequent property.
Search cancellation policy
Searches can only be cancelled, and your fee returned, if the Local Land Charges office is notified before the search is accepted.