Planning and building
Adopted Local Plan March 2023
Adopted Local Plan March 2023
On 9 February 2023, the Council received the Inspector’s Report on the Examination of the Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033.
The Inspector’s Report concludes that subject to the Main Modifications set out in the Appendix to the report, the Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and meets the criteria for soundness as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and is capable of adoption.
The Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 was adopted at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on 6 March 2023.
The Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 is now the statutory development plan, which means it has full weight in determining planning applications (together with ‘made’ neighbourhood development plans where relevant). The newly adopted Local Plan supersedes the Local Plan which comprised the policies within the Epping Forest District Local Plan adopted January 1998 that had not previously been replaced and the Epping Forest District Local Plan Alterations adopted July 2006.
The adopted Local Plan is available below along with the associated Policies Map, Adoption Statement, Habitats Regulations Assessment Adoption Statement, Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statements and associated Sustainability Appraisal Reports.
- Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011-2033 Part One (pdf 48MB)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011-2033 Part Two (Site Specific Policy Requirements and Designations) (pdf 17MB)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011-2033 Policies Map (pdf 16MB)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan Adoption Statement (pdf 180KB)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011-2033 Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (pdf 344KB)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011–2033 Habitats Regulations Assessment Adoption Statement (pdf 228KB)
Notice of Revocation
Notice of revocation of the following Development Plan Documents and associated Proposals Maps which have been replaced following the adoption of the Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011–2033:
- Those policies of the Epping Forest District Local Plan adopted January 1998 that had not previously been replaced
- Epping Forest District Local Plan Alterations adopted July 2006
Sustainability Appraisal Reports
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum October 2022 (ED148 / EB214) (pdf 170KB)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum, June 2021 (ED128/ EB210)
- Sustainability and Equalities Impact Appraisal, December 2017 (EB204)
- Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report for the Epping Forest District Local Plan, 2016 (EB202)
- Epping Forest District Local Plan Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report. 2010 (EB200)
The Inspector’s Report can be viewed below. A paper copy of the Report is also available for public inspection at the Civic Offices in Epping:
- Inspector’s report on the Examination of the EFDLP 2011 to 2033 (pdf 521KB)
- Appendix to Inspector’s Report on the Examination of the EFDLP 2011 to 2033 Final Schedule of MMs (pdf 2MB)
- Notice of Publication of the Inspector’s Report on the Examination EFDLP 2011 to 2033 (pdf 98KB)
- Schedule of Additional Modifications (pdf 1MB)
Local Plan evidence base
View documentation from the Local Plan Examination on the Local Plan evidence base page.