Planning and building
Brownfield land register
Brownfield land register
The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 place a duty on local authorities to maintain and publish a Brownfield Land Register. The Brownfield Register provides publicly available information on brownfield land in the District that the Council considers appropriate for residential development. The criteria that must be met for sites to be entered onto the Brownfield land Register are:
- Previously Developed Land as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework
- A minimum of 0.25ha or be capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings
- Suitable – Sites must be appropriate for residential-led development, having regard to the National Planning Policy Framework and local planning policies
- Available – Owner or Developer must have expressed an intention to sell or develop the land
- Achievable – Development must be likely to take place within 15 years of entry onto the Register
For further information regarding Brownfield Registers see Planning Practice Guidance published by GOV.UK. The Council has published Part 1 of the Register. This is a list of all the brownfield sites in the District that are considered appropriate for residential development. The Register includes any sites put forward for the brownfield land register which have been assessed to meet the criteria, sites proposed for allocation in the emerging Local Plan and sites that have been granted planning permission and are deemed to meet the criteria.
The Council has not proposed any sites for permission in principle and therefore there are currently no sites on Part 2 of the Register.
Submitting a site for consideration
If you wish to submit a Brownfield site to the Council for consideration to be included on Part 1 of the Register, please complete the Call for Sites/Brownfield Land Register Form.
The register will be reviewed at least annually. Please note you must submit a separate form for each individual site. The submission of the form does not mean the site will be automatically added to the Brownfield Register. The Council will need to assess whether or not the site meets the criteria set out in the regulations.