Planning and building
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
EFSAC protocol for releasing planning decisions
EFSAC protocol for releasing planning decisions
9 May 2022
Following our previous announcement, officers are continuing to progress planning decisions on all ‘SAC Held in Abeyance Cases’. We are pleased to confirm that over half of these have now been issued to date.
On a further positive note, the majority of those decisions issued relate to cases originally identified on the first 2 parts of the published “SAC Protocol”. Notwithstanding this, officers continue to appreciate the frustrations of some applicants and their agents, particularly in the time it is taking to achieve the issuing of some decisions and will seek to minimise this where reasonably possible.
We would also like to extend our continued appreciation to those applicants and agents that continue to support the council in this matter.
9 September 2021
Following our last update in June, the council is pleased to advise that it is continuing to make good progress in issuing decisions. Equally positive, we are also able to confirm that the process of reviewing all cases (approximately 263 cases in total) has been completed and more than half of those have been advised of the next steps to be taken. In those remaining cases that are awaiting to be advised further, you will hear from us within the next 4-6 weeks, if not sooner.
Officers appreciate the frustrations with the perceived slow progress being made. It is for that reason that we have begun to reallocate some of the EFSAC backlog to individual officers to process reports. Where possible, managers will continue to consider all options available to it in order to ensure good progress is being made.
In respect to those cases that will require a committee resolution, senior managers have identified an initial schedule for the agreement of each area committee. Once an agreement has been secured, officers will advise all relevant applications with a prospective date for formal determination and any associated requirements. All time extensions that are required prior to decisions being released will now be arranged at the most appropriate time and on a case-by-case basis.
On a final note, we thank all those agents and applicants for their continued patience and understanding during this time. Notwithstanding, it remains imperative that agents and applicants refrain from making unnecessary contact and revert (in the first instance) to the advice that has been provided on the EFDC planning webpages in connection to all EFSAC related matters. In circumstances where your query cannot be resolved by information contained on the EFDC website, a response will be provided in accordance with the published timescales in the Development Management Service Charter.
17 June 2021
EFAC update on releasing decisions
Officers are pleased to announce that the release of SAC (held-in-abeyance) cases has now commenced. Whilst it was hoped that the majority of decisions would be issued on or before the 31st May 2021, given the unprecedented nature and scale of the task remaining there is now a requirement to extend the deadline for another 3 months from the date of this message.
To enable this, the SAC officer will be in touch with applicants/agents in due course with further advice of what is required. In the meantime, we would be grateful if applicants and/or their agents continue to refrain from making frequent contact with the SAC officer to ensure that their progress is not unnecessarily disrupted.
Further information relating to the EFSAC, i.e. “what it means” and “what is required” for all new planning applications can be found on the main planning pages. We respectfully request that agents and their applicant’s make use of this resource in the first instance before making contact with officers.
February 2021
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Full Council on the 8 February 2021 has now confirmed its decision to adopt the ‘Interim Air Pollution Mitigation Strategy’ (APMS December 2020), and alongside the interim strategy for managing recreational pressures (adopted October 2018), will form the combined approach for mitigating the effects of new development on air quality and recreational pressure impacts on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation (EFSAC).
As a result of this decision, these documents are material planning considerations in the determination of planning applications. Officers have prepared the following additional information and guidance for both applicants and agents that clarify the process for dealing with affected planning applications in the most timely and effective way possible.
The working protocol
Given the number of planning decisions that have been held in abeyance to date, it has been necessary for officers to establish a working protocol that prioritises how each planning application is going to be dealt with and the additional information you will need to provide to facilitate their release.
The protocol for issuing planning decisions will therefore be in the following order of priority:
- Applications that have a committee resolution to grant planning permission
- Applications that are either allocated or designated sites which comply with the ambitions of the emerging Epping Forest Local Plan Submission Version 2017 (as amended)
- All other applications in date order of validation (oldest first)
Please note that officers will be unable to make any exceptions for individual cases although seek to reassure that every application will be given the required priority as stated above.
Information you will need to provide
In the majority of the cases concerned, applicants and agents should be aware of the nature of planning obligations that will need to be secured in order to mitigate the effects of their development proposals.
However, in certain circumstances there may be a requirement for you to provide further information before officers can determine the precise nature and/or level of S106 planning obligations that will need to be secured. In all instances, officers will be making contact with you to advise further in accordance with the working protocol above. Please do not provide any completed legal agreements or further submissions until requested to do so.
For cases where the planning obligations relate exclusively to securing financial contributions towards mitigating the impacts of new development on air quality and recreational pressures on the EFSAC, the Council has prepared a bespoke S106 Unilateral Undertaking (UU) proforma. It is recommended that you obtain your own independent legal advice before completing and returning the S106 proforma. The relevant S106 proforma can be found on our Section 106 agreements page.
Relevant EFSAC interim mitigation strategies
Full details of the adopted ‘interim strategies’ for mitigating recreational pressure and air pollution on the EFSAC, which also includes the relevant planning tariffs to be applied, are attached below.
- Interim Epping Forest Air Pollution Mitigation Strategy (pdf 2MB)
- Interim Mitigation Strategy for Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation (pdf 734KB)
- Cabinet Portfolio Report Oct 2018 (pdf 246KB)
Officers will be writing to every applicant to clarify what additional information (if any) will be required. Subject to receiving the additional and correctly completed information (as applicable), officers anticipate that the majority of decisions can be released by the end of May 2021. To ensure this process can work successfully we would be grateful if you could refrain from contacting individual officers until you have heard from us.
In the meantime, officers would again like to extend our appreciation for your continued patience in this matter and look forward to working with you to resolve this matter as efficiently and effectively as possible.