Planning and building
Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan examination
Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan examination
Epping Forest District Council in consultation with Chigwell Parish Council have appointed John Slater BA(Hons) DMS MRTPI as examiner of the Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan. All necessary information has been sent to the examiner, and once this has been reviewed a timetable and method for the examination will be determined. Once this information is confirmed it will be published on the website and interested parties will be notified. Epping Forest District Council has received the following correspondence from/to the Examiner for the Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan examination
Regulation 19 publication and representations
Chigwell Parish Council prepared and submitted a Neighbourhood Plan proposal under Regulation 15(1) of the Town and Country Planning Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (As amended). The plan proposal, as submitted, comprises the following documents
Submission documents
Supporting documents
A 6 week publication period under Regulation 16 took place between 12 noon on Tuesday 15 May and 4pm on Tuesday 26 June 2018 and all the representations made during that consultation period were passed on to the Examination Inspector.
They are available on request from the Planning Policy department: