Planning and building
Buckhurst Hill Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Chigwell Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Upland Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Loughton Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
North Weald Bassett Council Neighbourhood Plan
Ongar Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Current status
Epping Town Neighbourhood Plan Examination 2025
The Epping Town Neighbourhood Plan Examination has now commenced under Inspector Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI. Inspector Skippers was appointed by Epping Forest District Council in consultation with Epping Town Council.
All necessary information has been sent to the examiner, including the plan proposal and representations received under the Regulation 16 consultation. The Inspector is currently reviewing this information and has issued Examination Note 1 which contains initial details of the approach to the examination including details on the method and timetable. Further updates will be published here in accordance with the Inspector’s instructions.
Examination Note 1 can be seen here:
Regulation 19 publication and representations
Epping Town Council prepared and submitted a Neighbourhood Plan proposal under Regulation 15(1) of the Town and Country Planning Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (As amended).
The plan proposal, as submitted, comprises the following documents all of which have been sent to the Examination Inspector:
- Epping Town Neighbourhood Plan (pdf 13MB)
- Consultation statement (pdf 2MB)
- Basic conditions statement (pdf 654KB)
- HRA screening for Neighbourhood Plans (pdf 259KB)
- SEA screening for Neighbourhood Plans (pdf 192KB)
Epping Town Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation
The Epping Town Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation under Regulation 16 on Monday 9 September 2024. The consultation closed at 4pm on Monday 21 October 2024. All representations received have been sent to the Examination Inspector and can be viewed below.
- City of London (pdf 242KB)
- Epping Forest District Council (pdf 168KB)
- Epping Forest District Council (pdf 137KB)
- Epping Forest District Council (pdf 136KB)
- Epping Forest District Council (pdf 267KB)
- Environment Agency (pdf 346KB)
- Essex County Council (pdf 463KB)
- Hertfordshire County Council (pdf 289KB)
- Historic England (pdf 145KB)
- National Highways (pdf 78KB)
- Natural England (pdf 136KB)
- Nazeing Parish Council (pdf 57KB)
- NHS Hertfordshire West Essex ICB (pdf 465KB)
- PAH Trust (pdf 222KB)
- PAH Trust (pdf 613KB)
- LB Redbridge (pdf 41KB)
- TfL Places for London (pdf 274KB)
- TfL Spatial Planning (pdf 115KB)
- Thames Water (pdf 172KB)
- Andrew Smith (pdf 221KB)
- Epping Society (pdf 277KB)
- Epping Society (pdf 174KB)
- Kin-Wan Lee (pdf 159KB)
- KLW (pdf 268KB)
- KLW (pdf 462KB)
- Margaret Jones (pdf 91KB)
- Pigeon Investment Management (pdf 1MB)
- Pigeon Investment Management (pdf 352KB)
- Swifts Local Network (pdf 301KB)
- Thomas Fish (pdf 78KB)
- Wates Developments (pdf 1,015KB)
- Wates Developments (pdf 147KB)
Late representations
Approval of the area application
Following the close of the 6 week consultation period, Epping Forest District Council considered all the comments received and prepared a report and recommendation to take to Cabinet on the 6 October 2014, where the Neighbourhood Plan Area Application has now been approved as a Neighbourhood Plan Area. To comply with Regulation 7 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Epping Forest District Council is publicising the following details
- The name of the Neighbourhood area: Epping Town Neighbourhood Area
- The name of the relevant body who applied for the designation: Epping Town Council
Epping Town Council Neighbourhood Plan application
The application and a letter explaining why Epping Town Council intends to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, and how the organisation and area meet the conditions of Section 61G(3), (4), (7) and 61H(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 can be viewed above.
In accordance with Regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Epping Forest District Council consulted residents and other interested stakeholders on this application. The Consultation ran for a 6 week period, commencing from Monday 11 August to 19 September 2014. This was not a consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan itself, only the identification of the area for which the parish or town council wished to prepare a neighbourhood development plan.