Planning and building
Buckhurst Hill Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Chigwell Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Upland Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Loughton Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
North Weald Bassett Council Neighbourhood Plan
Ongar Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Neighbourhood Plan examination
Epping Forest District Council in consultation with Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council have appointed Nigel McGurk BSc (Hons) MCD MBA MRTPI as examiner of the Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Neighbourhood Plan. All necessary information will be sent to the examiner, and once this has been reviewed a timetable and method for the examination will be determined. Once this information is confirmed it will be published on the website and interested parties will be notified.
Epping Forest District Council has received the following correspondence from/to the Examiner for the Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Neighbourhood Plan examination:
- EXD01 Letter from MBPPC to EPDC re NDP 5 Mar 2019
- EXD01A Attachment
- EXD02 MBL NP Clarification Letter 23 Mar 2019 (pdf 90KB)
- EXD03 Natural England Response
- EXD04 MBL PC response to Nigel McGurk questions
- EXD04A MBL PC letter to EPDC re NDP 5 Mar 2019
- EXD04B [Previous] Examiner’s Report
- EXD04C 2-7 HMG Rural Strategy
- EXD04D 4-1 Public Transport
- EXD04E 4-5 Moreton Bridge Damage
- EXD04F 4-6 Byway Damage Evidence
- EXD04H 5-2 World Population
- EXD04I 5-4 Affordable Housing in Perpetuity
- EXD04J 5-5 Affordable Housing Justification
Regulation 19 publication and representations
Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council prepared and submitted a Neighbourhood Plan proposal under Regulation 15(1) of the Town and Country Planning Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (As amended).
The plan proposal, as submitted, comprises the following documents:
- Moreton Bobbingworth and the Lavers Neighbourhood Plan
- Neighbourhood Plan Area Map
- Consultation Statement
- Basic Conditions Statement
- Screening Opinion
A 6 week publication period under Regulation 16 took place between 12 noon on Tuesday 22 January and 4pm on Tuesday 5 March 2019. The consultation has now closed and all the representations made can be viewed on this page.
- Historic England MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 169KB)
- Highways England MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 1MB)
- Essex County Council MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 912KB)
- Thames Water MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 666KB)
- National Grid MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 120KB)
- Epping Forest District Council MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 326KB)
- Environment Agency MBL NP Reg 16 2019 (pdf 80KB)
Examiner’s report
Following submission, the Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Draft Neighbourhood Plan has now been considered by an independent examiner who provided his report on 17 June 2019.
The Examiner has concluded that subject to a number of recommended change, the plan meets the basic conditions required of a Neighbourhood Plan and can progress to Referendum. A copy of the Examiners report is available below. The Examiner’s report and the recommendations will be considered at our Cabinet meeting on 11 July 2019.