Planning and building
Buckhurst Hill Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Chigwell Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Epping Upland Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
Loughton Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan
North Weald Bassett Council Neighbourhood Plan
Ongar Town Council Neighbourhood Plan
North Weald Bassett Council Neighbourhood Plan
Current status
North Weald Bassett is currently preparing their draft Neighbourhood Plan.
North Weald Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Application
North Weald Bassett Parish Council first submitted an application for a Neighbourhood Area in September 2014. In accordance with Regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Epping Forest District Council consulted residents and other interested stakeholders on this application between 22 September and 31 October 2014. The application and a letter explaining why North Weald Bassett Parish Council intends to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, and how the organisation and area meet the conditions of Section 61G(3), (4), (7) and 61H(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 can be viewed below:
On 9 March 2015, EFDC Cabinet agreed that an amended area should be designated for Neighbourhood Planning purposes. The Cabinet report can be viewed here
In January 2017, following amendment to the relevant regulations, North Weald Bassett Parish Council made a further application for the Neighbourhood Plan Area to be adjusted.
On 23 January 2017, the Planning Policy Portfolio Holder determined that the whole of the Parish of North Weald Bassett should be designated for Neighbourhood Planning purposes.
North Weald Bassett Parish Council have produced a Heritage and Character Assessment to inform the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. Please use the link below to view the document.