Planning and building
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
EFSAC protocol for releasing planning decisions
Other planning guidance and information
Other planning guidance and information
Download and access a range of supplementary planning guidance, other policies and strategies, and other relevant information on planning policy.
- Strategic Masterplanning Briefing Note – Endorsed (pdf 752KB)
- Concept Framework Briefing Note – Endorsed (pdf 877KB)
- Planning Policy briefing note March 2018 (pdf 731KB)
- Essex County Council Parking Guidance 2024
- Essex County Council Development Management Policies (ECC 2011)
- Archaeological Management Guidance for the Historic Towns of Essex (ECC 1999)
- Archaeological Management Guidance for the Historic Towns of Essex Maps (ECC 1999)
- Chipping Ongar Historic Town Project (ECC 1999)
- Epping Historic Town Project (ECC 1999)
- Waltham Abbey Historic Town Project (ECC 1999)
Essex County Council Parking Guidance 2024
New Essex County Council (ECC) Parking Guidance for new development has been approved and published as an update to the previous 2009 standard, which is now withdrawn.
This guidance looks at solutions to accommodate parking for a range of vehicles – powered and unpowered – and proposes a level of parking provision that balance demand with the need to create quality public/private spaces.
Whilst not adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Epping Forest District Local Plan (2023), we are adhering to it as guidance and as such this is a material consideration in determining planning applications at EFDC.
A link to the guidance can be found in the list above.
Consolidated and updated viability assessment
Following consultation on the draft consolidated and updated viability report and in response to the Inspectors comments the Consolidated and updated viability evidence – September 2020 was published. (Examination Document EB1117 or ED117)
This document sets out the methodology used, and the key assumptions adopted. These are carried forward and updated from the Council’s existing available evidence. This will allow EFDC to have confidence that they are working from a sound base when considering viability across the whole of the Local Plan area.