Planning and building
Statement of community involvement
The statement of community involvement (SCI) sets out how we will involve the community in:
- The development of planning policy and guidance documents
- Applications for development proposals submitted to the council for planning permission
Read our statement of community involvement
- Statement of community involvement November 2019 (pdf 603KB)
- Interpretation of SCI whilst COVID–19 social distancing measures are in place (pdf 41KB)
The adoption of the statement by Cabinet on 18 November follows a 6 week consultation with local residents and stakeholders. The statement includes our commitments to consult and involve people in the preparation and review of planning policy which includes:
- The Local Plan
- Supplementary planning documents or guidance
- Neighbourhood development plans
- Policy contained in master plans
- Consideration of planning applications
The statement of community involvement is reviewed and updated every 5 years including recent changes in legislation and practice.