Planning and building
Strategic Masterplanning
In order to ensure that the development outlined in the Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011 to 2033 meets the needs of the district and results in a high-quality, well designed environment that integrates appropriately, the council is committed to ensuring that key strategic sites in the district as identified in the Local Plan undergo a Strategic Masterplanning process.
In addition to this the council has identified areas in the district which are guided by Concept Frameworks:
- Strategic Masterplan Frameworks – Documents produced in order to establish a development framework for specific identified sites
- Concept Frameworks – Documents produced to address key place shaping issues relating to a number of site allocations
The Strategic Masterplanning process involves working collaboratively with other statutory authorities, local interest groups, the main site promoters and other landowners and stakeholders, towards the common goal of producing a vision and strategy for the overall development of the site.
This will ensure the council produces Masterplans that result in sustainable, high-quality and attractive places for people to live and work both now and in the future.
Fuller details of the Strategic Masterplan Framework process and the council’s requirements can be found in the council’s strategic planning briefing note 2018. This provides guidance on the processes and minimum requirements that must be observed in the production of Strategic Masterplans.
A separate note has been produced which provides guidance for Concept Frameworks. These briefing notes are relevant to the Masterplan Areas identified within the district’s Local Plan, including relevant sites within the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT).
Broadly speaking the Strategic Masterplanning process seeks to secure the following:
- Establish an overarching framework for the site which will guide the future nature and delivery of development and infrastructure
- Set out the council’s objectives for the site in line with the Local Plan and other relevant Policy and Guidance
- Undertake comprehensive consultation and engage with all relevant parties including the local community, town and parish councils, site promoters, landowners, formal and statutory bodies, elected Members and the Quality Review Panel, embedding outcomes of engagement into the development framework
- Endorsement of the Masterplan as a material planning consideration when addressing future planning applications as well as a potential Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
In order to ensure that a comprehensive approach is taken to the planning and delivery of Strategic Masterplan Areas and associated infrastructure across the District and where appropriate HGGT, development proposals will be required to be in accordance with Policy SP3 (‘Place Shaping’), and where relevant SP4 (‘Development & Delivery of Garden Communities in the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town’) and SP5 (‘Garden Town Communities’) of the Local Plan.
Where the Masterplan Area comprises more than one allocated site, the Strategic Masterplan should be undertaken jointly between all promoters of the allocated sites with oversight by EFDC and where applicable Harlow District Council and the HGGT team.
The Strategic Masterplan shall be produced in accordance with the site specific requirements set out in the Local Plan along with all other relevant Local Plan policies. Site areas located within Harlow district must be in accordance with policy requirements in the Harlow Local Development Plan.
The Briefing Note outlines the key stages in the process of the production of the Masterplan and will broadly encompass the following activities:
- Working with site promoters to scope out and agree upon the broad level of support the Masterplan will require
- Identification of site specific matters such as constraints, local character, movement and policy considerations
- Undertake sequenced topic based meetings with relevant parties to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the site. These might include technical assessments to understand matters such as highways, ecology, flood modelling and heritage issues, etc
- Early and ongoing engagement with the Council’s Quality Review Panel (QRP) to explore fundamental issues such as site access, location of key infrastructure, vision and design matters
- Developing options based on the above activities and in conjunction with Local Plan requirements in preparation for Community and Stakeholder Engagement
- Engagement with ward Members, Cabinet members and appropriate parish and town councils to provide an overview of progress
- Engagement with the community and relevant stakeholders in accordance with the council’s Statement of Community Involvement
- Finalisation of Draft Masterplan and agreement by Cabinet to commence public consultation
- Commencement of appropriate levels of public consultation which will shape the content of the Final Masterplan
- Endorsement of Final Masterplan by Cabinet as a material planning consideration
The Masterplans are listed below.
Strategic Masterplans – Garden Town Communities
Local Plan policies SP3 and SP4.
- East of Harlow – Masterplanning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – adopted on 5 June 2024
- Latton Priory – endorsed on 10 July 2023
- Water Lane Area (West Sumners and West Katherines)
Strategic Masterplans – Other
Local Plan places policies chapter 5.
- South Epping – consultation open from June to July 2024
- Waltham Abbey North Strategic Masterplan
- North Weald Airfield – endorsed on 13 March 2023
- North Weald Bassett – endorsed on 18 March 2024
Concept Frameworks
Local Plan policies SP3, P4 and P10.
- West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (pdf 9MB) – endorsed on 11 November 2024
- South Nazeing Concept Framework Plan