Planning and building
East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document
Adoption statement 5 June 2024
In accordance with Regulations 11 and 14 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Epping Forest District Council adopted the East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document on 28 May 2024.
The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Partnership agreed to produce a document for the East of Harlow site to provide agreed, cross boundary masterplanning principles. The document provides guidance for a developer producing a masterplan, to ensure it reflects the vision for the site shared by the HGGT partners and meets the Garden Town Vision.
In March 2023, it was agreed that the document should be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by both Harlow Council and Epping Forest District Council. HGGT partners have worked collaboratively to prepare the draft consultation version and to incorporate the representations gathered between July and October 2023.
Consultation with the public, landowners, Princess Alexandra Hospital, and statutory consultees has been undertaken and conducted in accordance with the requirements for the adoption of an SPD. The Consultation Statement associated with the document sets out modifications made to the draft SPD. The adopted Supplementary Planning Document contains 12 chapters with detailed guidance on topics such as green infrastructure and landscape, connectivity and sustainable movement, layout of schools and local centres and vehicle access.
Any person with sufficient interest in the decision to adopt the Supplementary Planning Document may apply to the High Court for permission to apply for judicial review of that decision. Any such application must be made promptly and, in any event, not later than 3 months after the date on which the Supplementary Planning Document was adopted.
- East of Harlow masterplanning guidance SPD (pdf 6MB)
- East of Harlow masterplanning guidance SPD: Consultation statement (pdf 4MB)
Contact the Planning Policy Team at Epping Forest District Council: