Planning and building
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
North Weald Airfield Strategic Masterplan
North Weald Bassett Strategic Masterplan
North Weald Bassett Strategic Masterplan
The North Weald Bassett Strategic Masterplan Framework (SMF) was endorsed by Cabinet on 18 March 2024.
The Masterplan is required to be prepared by the Epping Forest District Council Local Plan in order to guide future development that has been allocated for North Weald Bassett.
The Masterplan includes:
- A minimum of 1,050 new energy efficient homes, including social rented and shared ownership, that would be available to local people
- New community facilities and land for healthcare facilities
- Improved access to St Andrew’s Primary School and commitment to additional education provision either through a new primary school or the expansion of St Andrew’s
- New and improved, fully equipped children’s play spaces
- Better sports facilities including an additional junior / mini pitch and improvements to the Memorial Playing Fields as the central sporting hub, making it more of a focal point in the village
- Public open space for recreation and biodiversity
- Additional planting throughout the masterplan area, including a new community orchard
- New retail units to complement existing shops and services in the village
- A new roundabout on the A414 providing direct access to the masterplan area
The vision for the Strategic Masterplan is to deliver:
A landscape-led masterplan that will deliver a variety of new homes, which respects the discrete character of the village; utilises existing landscape features; places an emphasis on social focal points, connectivity and integration with the fabric of the village; fosters a sense of community; and acknowledges the history of North Weald Bassett.
The final Strategic Masterplan for North Weald Bassett will establish a framework and principles for future growth in the village. Epping Forest District Council will use the Masterplan for determining future planning applications.
A digital copy of the Strategic Masterplan document can be viewed through the link below:
For further information
Update 19 December 2023
A Planning Application (Ref. EPF/2587/23) has now been received for site allocation ‘NWB.R3 Land South of Vicarage Lane’ for the following:
- Application for hybrid planning permission, seeking outline planning permission with all matters reserved, except for principal means of vehicular access from the A414 and Vicarage Lane West, for a mixed use scheme comprising residential development (Use Class C3) [780 homes]; reserved land for a primary school with associated playing fields (Use Class F1); mixed use development including retail, early years or community uses (Use Classes E and F2); associated green infrastructure, including public open space, formal and informal play and recreation areas; drainage infrastructure; other associated site infrastructure; and, diversion and extinguishment of public rights of way. Detailed planning permission sought for the primary road; Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) provision; and surface water attenuation.
- View the application documents for EPF/2587/23
- For consultation responses made regarding this planning application rather than the draft Strategic Masterplanning Framework – email