Planning and building
South Nazeing Concept Framework Plan
The main point of the concept framework plan are as follows:
Specific site requirements
Policy P10 specifically identifies the following requirements for the masterplan:
Flood risk
Except for essential infrastructure and water compatible developments, no built development on residential allocations will be permitted on land within Flood Zones 2 and 3 as shown on the council’s latest strategic flood risk assessment maps, including the appropriate allowance for climate change.
Development of the area may affect a protected species (Great Crested Newts) population. Development proposals should demonstrate that they have assessed the impacts of the proposal on the Great Crested Newts, informed by a full survey and site assessment. Development proposals should demonstrate that they have sought to avoid any adverse impact on the Great Crested Newts or their habitat. Where adverse impacts of development proposals on Great Crested Newts are unavoidable, they should be addressed in accordance with the requirements of Policy DM1.
The concept framework plan should address the place-shaping issues identified in Policy SP2 and the following requirements:
- The mix of homes to be provided including tenures, types and sizes
- The principles of the design including key design features, integration of the development into the wider landscape and materials palette
- The approach to amenity / greenspace provision and landscaping
- The approach to minimising the impact on the adjacent and nearby heritage assets
- The movement strategy for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. This should include connections within and between the sites as well as linkages with the wider area
- The on-site and off-site infrastructure required to support the development proposals and how this will be provided ahead of or in tandem with the development it supports
The concept framework plan and development proposals for the sites located within the concept framework plan area should be considered and informed by the quality review panel.
Development of the area, particularly to the North, may impact upon the setting of the Grade II listed Cutlands, located to the North West of the site. Proposals that may affect the setting of this heritage asset should preserve or wherever possible, enhance the asset’s significance, having regard to its special architectural or historic interest, character, appearance and the contribution made by its setting.
On-site constraints
The number of vehicular access points onto St Leonards Road should be minimised. A coordinated approach to vehicular access onto St Leonards Road should be adopted across the concept framework plan area. The concept framework plan should also demonstrate how vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian connectivity and safety will be maximised across and between the 3 site allocations. This includes exploring opportunities for safe and convenient cycling and pedestrian routes to access Nazeing Primary School from the South.
The concept framework plan area includes existing public rights of way, which cross NAZE.R1 East to West and NAZE.R3 North to South. They connect St Leonards Road with Perry Hill, Old House Lane and Laundry Lane. These connections should be retained as part of the development and should be integrated within the development layout. Where possible, development proposals should seek to improve connectivity with the wider network, and where appropriate, enhance the public right of way to meet modern requirements in terms of safety, directness, attractiveness and convenience, having regard to the needs of a wide range of users.
Green Belt boundary
As part of the development proposals, a new defensible boundary to the Green Belt will need to be established along the Southern and part of the Eastern edge of the concept framework plan area.
The CFP proposed to be endorsed is enclosed at Appendix A and is commented upon as follows:
The CFP has been developed observing EFDC’s adopted Local Plan policy SP2 place shaping, where emphasis has been given to ensure generous, well connected and biodiverse rich green space provision with a sense of place / identity. The CFP will be well connected through a hierarchy of streets and walking paths along rich green and blue infrastructure features.
Green infrastructure
The South Nazeing CFP is a landscape-led development that will provide blue and green infrastructure features that will enhance biodiversity and the natural environment following EFDC’s adopted Local Plan policies SP2, SP5 and SP6. The CFP will also provide residents with extensive green spaces and dedicated areas for play.
The South Nazeing CFP will be a sustainably connected to Lower Nazeing and through existing and improved PROWs to the wider surrounding landscape of Nazeing. The development of the masterplan has observed the following documents:
- EFDC sustainability guide and checklist
- EFDC green infrastructure strategy
Orientation and form function has also been considered at the masterplanning level in relation to solar gain, walkability, and densities, which all attribute to holistic sustainable development.
Housing numbers and tenure
The masterplan has a capacity for a minimum of 93 dwellings in line with the EFDC adopted Local Plan. While the masterplan allows the potential for increases in this number to be explored, any increase in the site capacity at the South Nazeing site will need to be fully assessed in terms of traffic impacts and by reference to the habitat assessment regulations with regards to the potential impact on air quality Epping Forest SAC.
Housing tenure is stated as being targeted to be in accordance with the EFDC adopted Local Plan with a position of 40% affordable housing sought with the right type of housing to assist the delivery of the council social housing list.