Planning and building
Waltham Abbey North Strategic Masterplan
Planning application for sites WAL.R1, WAL.R2, WAL.R3 and WAL.T1 should be accompanied by a strategic masterplan for the Waltham Abbey North masterplan area which demonstrates that the development requirements set out in this policy have been accommodated and which has been endorsed by the council. The endorsed strategic masterplan will be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of any planning applications.
In addition to the requirements set out above the strategic masterplan must make provision for:
- A minimum of 740 homes
- Effective integration with the town centre, supporting regeneration
- 5 pitches for traveller accommodation
- A new local centre to include a community facility and retail uses
- New road links to the existing highway network and an internal road layout to support a bus corridor
- The potential need to upgrade or widen the existing Galley Hill Road and Crooked Mile, in order to ensure a safe access point and sufficient capacity for the development they serve
- Measures to promote and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport and provide viable alternatives to single occupancy private car use including car clubs or car sharing or pooling arrangements
- The strengthening and / or creation of new Green Belt boundaries to the North and East of the site