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Search, view and comment on planning applications
You can search, view and track:
- Planning applications
- Building control applications
- Appeals
- Tree preservation orders
- Enforcement notices
You can also comment on current planning applications that are still within the consultation period.
The above link searches all planning record types. Select the required Category to filter results or use Advanced search to search by address, date or reference number.
If a specific record is not available online, contact us with details of the application reference number and address. We will investigate and publish the records if possible.
Comments form part of the public record and are not confidential If you submit a comment both your comments and your address will be published on our website.
We don’t accept telephone or anonymous comments.
Comments must include:
- The Date
- Your name and address
- The planning application number
- The site address
- If you are objecting, supporting or just commenting on an application
You can also comment by:
- Email
- Post to Development Control, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ
We can only accept objections if they address relevant planning considerations including:
- Is the new building or proposed use appropriate to the area?
- Is the appearance of the new building satisfactory?
- Will the development cause pollution, noise, flooding or other environmental problems?
- Will there be loss of light to important rooms?
- Will the development overlook and create loss of privacy?
- Will the building appear bulky, overbearing or out of scale with neighbouring properties?
- Is road safety or public footpaths adversely affected?